Bazista launches an affiliate program: Earn ETH and BZS!

Vakhtang Abuladze
1 min readJan 22, 2018


Hello Everyone!

We have decided to let people who promote our company earn some crypto and even more BZS tokens by starting a referral campaign. Our goal is to boost the 2nd round of our public sale.

How this works:
1. Visit
2. Click the red “Affiliate program” sign right under the button “BUY BZS TOKENS NOW”
3. Press the button “Get your referral link now”
4. If you are a new user you will have to register an account, if not then simply sign in
5. Copy your referral link and start sharing with your connections

Once Bazista receives an investment using your referral link — you will get your reward. The more investors you bring — the higher is your reward:

  1. 1–10 investments made — 5%
  2. 11–25 investments made — 10%
  3. 26–50 investments made — 15%
  4. 51–100 investments — 20%
  5. 101+ investments made — 25%

The reward is paid 80% ETH and 20% BZS token. Distribution starts right after the ICO.


