Community Manifest!

Vakhtang Abuladze
1 min readOct 22, 2017


Hello Everyone!

Me and the team have decided that this blog will present analysis of the Bazista strategy concerning ICO-campaign and the actual launch of the platform. We will tell you a lot about the audience insights, tactics and of course valuable mistakes, so you can use it like some kind of manual when launching your own startup. Do you wonder why would we do that?

First of all, we think beyond Bazista, we think blockchain! We aim at creating an eco-system of interconnected solutions, which would eventually take place of centralized services, that are dominating at the moment. Secondary, we want to show you that we’re regular people with an outstanding trading solution and we want to be as open and transparent in what we do about Bazista. Obviously, we need the community to promote the platform, but we also need it to finalize Bazista together with you, in order to present the most convenient trading solution ever available. This is the new economy — digital and decentralized and it’s up to us to make it work effectivly for any person in the world!


Vakhtang Abuladze, CEO of Bazista

