More details on Bazista (pre-ICO date announced)

Vakhtang Abuladze
2 min readOct 11, 2017


I believe that integration of digital assets is an inevitable step for the future development of ecommerce. However, it could take years for giants like Amazon and Ebay to fully integrate digital assets globally, while Bazista plans to finalize and launch its platform by the end of 2017.

At the same time, current competitors among decentralized platforms fall behind in terms of functionality and safety of its users. And while both traditional ecom players and blockchain-based platforms fail to provide a seamless and pleasurable shopping experience, Bazista focuses on simple and intuitive interface design with multiple one-stop-shop solutions, making sure that trading process is equally simple, fast and secure. Can you imagine a Netflix for trading?

The platform will present numerous unique features, including possibility to earn by promoting other users’ trading offers. One can earn the platform’s tokens by distributing the announcements in social media and other digital properties. Once such a placement results in a closed deal, its initiator receives a certain percentage of the object’s initial price.

You will be able to exchange any goods or service for a cryptocurrency or a digital token or simply make money by capitalizing your social media subscription base or website visits. Besides that, users will be completely exempt from paying transaction fees when depositing a certain amount of the platform’s tokens.

Along with that, users will be able to purchase access to analytical tools which will enable to define seasonal peaks of demand for given product categories, filtered by regions and profiles of the target audience. This would be the first time in the category that an online trading platform offers such a powerful marketing instrument enabling to adjust your strategy on the platform whatever products you’re looking to buy or sell.

On 16th of November 2017 Bazista will launch pre-ICO in order to attract investments needed for finalization of the platform’s code and it’s promotion, and in December 2017 the ICO will be launched.

Bazista is open for cooperation, for any questions regarding participation in the Bazista platform project, please contact:


