Opening India again

Vakhtang Abuladze
2 min readJan 14, 2018



Last year we have decided that our priority market for the launch will be India and that was part of the reason why the last blockchain event that we participated was in New Dehli.

Our strategic development director Max Jackson made a speach about the way decentralized good positevly desturb Indian market and boost ecom trading sky high.

We were lucky to meet the founders of Indian Blockchain fund, which aims to help blockchain startups build up connections with Indian governmental institutions. Founders projects looked great! For example Velix.ID have identity solution developed specifically for e-commerce, you can imagine how relevant it is for Bazista!

Even before the start of the first round of our ICO we knew that we need to get part of the team to start working on the grounds within the target market, no matter how the round goes. The first round ended up on the 3rd of Jan 2018, hard cap reached, as we have given you some of the first looka of Bazista prototype:

On the 6th of Jan we launched the 2nd round, with 80% of the team already in India. Our members are meeting some of the great proffessionls from business, blockchain and governmental organizations. The key questions are how to register a company and effectively develope a e-commerce platform in India.

We believe that the Bazista concept perfectly fits India’s current goals in terms of economic development both for internal and export markets. We know that the idea resonates among Indian experts and feel positive about work there so far.

This week we had a consultation in a local law firm, which brings us one step closer to official launch

