You asked for it! Bazista round 2 start today!

Vakhtang Abuladze
2 min readJan 6, 2018


Hello Everyone!

I really hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year holidays and feel hungry for new investments and profits! We have received multiple requests from our community members about our tokensale right after the first round was over! We were so excited with the way our project started to resonate and right now we can finally announce the beginning of the 2nd round of our ICO!

Why did we decide to go for the 2nd round — there were two obvious reasons that resulted in the booming interest towards over project: we have reached our soft cap and thanks to your support went 31% beyond it and we have delivered the first looks of our platforms MVP which entailed even more interest from so called whales of the industry and large private investing companies.

We have never seen such a great interest towards our coin before that and decided to make 15% of our tokens (66 000 000 BZS) available for sale for the next 60 days! Did you miss your chance during the first round? Keep calm as you will have plenty of time to study the project, witness how we progress and make your decision about investing.

Funds raised during the 1st and the 2nd rounds of our ICO will be used for the platform’s development finalization and operational fees for the support on the early stages. Stay tuned as we will provide more info about our part of team that has already started working in India — our priority market for the consumer launch. Please note that the 3rd and final round of our ICO is coming later this spring.

Of course, we will also prolong the bounty campaign providing 3 300 000 BZS tokens for the promotion activities during the next 2 months! So be ready to join the promotion campaign if you still want to get your piece of BZS tokens and lets deliver the best ecom solution ever available on the market!

2017 was a great year for Bazista and I am sure that with your support we will be able to implement the consumer launch before the end of 2018!


