Data storage trends 2022. Blockchain storage. Arweave + KYVE.

Val Savchuk
8 min readApr 25, 2022


Hi! My name is Val. Today I want to tell you about the data storage trends. So, in this article you will read about them but a lot more.

Anyway, I always structure well, so you can read only staff you are interested in. I will tell you more about storages in general, decentralization benefits, blockchain storages solutions. Moreover, I am going to discuss such tools as Arweave and KYVE Network and their influence on the future of data.



Data is the most powerful thing. In the modern world, it is a weapon. I am not talking about its real power in political war, but in everyday life — too. We need not only data, but the truth, to be in charge of the world.

The main aim of my article is to make you acquainted to data storages and new mainstreams today. For newbies and for ones who are aware.

Anyway, the amount of data is growing rapidly and limitlessly. We can’t stop this process, so we need to master it. This is where the data storages are concerned.


Let’s start with the very, very beginning: data! What is data? No, data and information are not the same. You are mistaken if use it in the same way.

“Data (US: /ˈdætə/; UK: /ˈdeɪtə/) are individual facts, statistics, or items of information, often numeric.” Data — Wikipedia

The main difference is that data is structured, information is not. In other way, it can be said, that data is atoms of information.

“Meaning = Data + Structure” Meaning = Data + Structure: Inferring Structure from domain knowledge | by Lightspeed | Medium Lightspeed

Data storage is an organized collection of structured information, located on the digital device. That is why data storage is clearly structured storage, not just tons of multimedia.

Data storages differs by the location of digital device. They can be direct or network-based.

Direct area storage is a local storage that is directly connected to the computers that access to it. Network based storage can be local and cloud. Local storage is off-site storage, but located on the server that is connected to the specific local network. Cloud storage is one that is located on the server or network of servers connected together and accessed via Internet.

The trends

These trends are only on my point of view, as a teaching assistant, that teach students data storage solutions and technics. Anyway, to be honest, I also used some data from this source: Top Cloud Storage Trends for 2022 — We Buy Used Tape.

#5 Multi-cloud storage

This trend was already here this year. Multi-cloud storage is as it is called: the storage located on several clouds — using several storage providers. The most important reason is reliability. This is, kind of, diversification of risks. For example, in 2011, because of the massive system crash, the Amazon lost lots of users data (Amazon’s Cloud Crash Disaster Permanently Destroyed Many Customers’ Data | Henry Blodget Business Insider). So, there are reasons to use various providers and have back-ups.

There are other reasons to have multi-cloud storage: functionality of various storages may differ. That is why it can be useful to get benefits from various cloud storages.

#4 AI in cloud computing

Artificial intelligence is a must in our life. You can’t even imagine, how many things have it inside. No, we are not talking about human-like robots. We are talking about some functions of human mind that is transferred into digital computing.

In cloud storages, AI is used to make the meaning part of data more precise. This leads to easier decision-making processes, that are based on this data. I think this technology is in its very beginning now, but will rapidly grow in 2022. Someone from the future, comment if I am right or not:)

#3 Serverless

This one is not new in 2022. Here is a quote, you need to read first:

“Serverless functions are code that runs in response to events. This can be anything from an HTTP request to a file being uploaded to a storage bucket, to an event firing in a database. ” Top Cloud Storage Trends for 2022 — We Buy Used Tape

So, this is economically advantageous, but, which is more important, scalable. I think Scalability is also a trend for 2022.

#2 SSD

SSD is a type of hard drive to store data. If you are just an average user, but you already wasted lots of time to find the best device, you already know that SSD is faster, but more expensive than HDD. I don’t want to dive deep into hardware topic, so just here you have a link to learn more: SSD vs. HDD: What’s the Difference? | PCMag PCMag

So, now, after some years have already passed from the getting SSD technology on the market, we see that they are much more reliable. Fast+Reliable combination make them the choice #1 in 2022.

#1 Decentralization

I think, you were waiting for this one, if you read my blog. Decentralization is an unnegotiable trend today for various systems and technologies. When the world started thinking of Web3 as a future of all the internet, the issue of decentralized data storage is under the spotlight.

By the way, it is not the new concept, as you could probably think (Blockchain and Data Storage: A Perfect Match? | by Justin Chan, Ph.D. | DataDrivenInvestor Justin Chan, Ph.D.). Have you heard about torrent? Yes, it is it. But I am talking about its new blockchain version.

I have already touched this question in here: Web3 for Newbies. Data Storage in Web3. KYVE Network | Val Savchuk

The main benefit of Decentralized data storage is reliability. No data can disappear.

Blockchain solutions

I have not mentioned it as a trend, because it is not a storage trend, but more general trend of today’s information technologies.

There are two types of storages that are used in blockchain technology: on-chain and off-chain.

When talking about on-chain storages, we keep in mind decentralization. I’ve mentioned it benefits before, but it has disadvantages too. Blockchain is more used to store some little data streams, like transaction data. It is hard to imagine how it can store lots of different data, but not impossible. Below, I will tell you about Arveawe and KYVE.

Off-chain data storages are any storage at all, that is centralized in fact, but can be used by a decentralized system. Will this storage ruin blockchain principles? Of course, not, if the right tool is used. For example, Ethereum Virtual Machine or IPFS (Off-Chain Data Storage: Ethereum & IPFS | by Adil H Adil H)


Arweave is a limitless on-chain data storage.

I am used to thinking that limitless is not about computing. Was I wrong? Maybe, the time will tell us some other truth, but right now The Arweave Project proofs its moto. I have not found any opposite review.

This is the reason I decided to tell about Arveawe — no limits feels weird, but it is a good example for future of data storages.

But what limits am I talking about? Of course, volumes go first, but here is one citation below about Arweave 2.0, that describes, that not only volumes are under control.

“Arweave 2.0 introduces the innovative Fast Write mechanism, removing limits for how quickly data can be written to the Arweave network.” Arweave 2.0 is live: The road to permanent on-chain data storage of unlimited size.


Another great example of the future of data storages is automated data validation for trustless data. Yes, as you can understand from the subtopic, I am talking about KYVE.

To be honest, I am an ambassador of the project. But I am really passionate about it. I think that trustless data will always be an up-to-date issue to do research and development. KYVE is a great step in this topic, or to be even more honest — will be, as it is under construction.

I have already wrote about it before (here), but now І want to emphasise on how it will influence on future data storage technology.

Data validation is not a trend today, but I think it will be a trend soon. On the one hand, I am not sure about human validators, because I am used to not trusting people when compared to computers. On the other hand, data validation in the world full of fakes is a need. It will make cheating even less possibile.

The great support of KYVE Team shows the need for data validation.



Data is always a subject to study, research, develop new.

These trends are just the reflection of great steps in information technology development that were stimulated by the growth of data volumes.

As you can tell, I am a bit subjective — I am into decentralization too much. I think it can cover lots of issues today and have a perspective for the long future.

Furthermore, the combination “Arweave + KYVE” brings much more trust to the data we get. Data validation is another topic, but I find it a good choice for data storage trends 2023, isn’t it? Feedback appreciated :)



NEAR Partners With KYVE To Bring Permanent Storage to Ecosystem

KYVE brings their data stream storage with built-in validation to Avalanche

KYVE Network

The bases

What is data storage? | IBM

Data storage — Wikipedia

Data — Wikipedia

4 Types Of Computer Data Storage —


Arweave 2.0 is live: The road to permanent on-chain data storage of unlimited size



Top Cloud Storage Trends for 2022 — We Buy Used Tape

Off-Chain Data Storage: Ethereum & IPFS | by Adil H

Blockchain and Data Storage: A Perfect Match? | by Justin Chan, Ph.D. | DataDrivenInvestor



Val Savchuk

Ph.D in Computer sciences. Crypto enthusiastic. Crypto ambassador. Business analyst