Why privacy matters? Inspired by today’s Iron Fish AMA.

Val Savchuk
4 min readJun 3, 2022


That’s not an article I’m used to writing. It’s a very personal one. Why? I got inspired on the privacy topic when listening to today’s, 3rd of June, AMA with Iron Fish ambassadors and community. When I get inspired, I have tons of thoughts in my head, that are coming out. So why not to write them down?

Hi! My name is Val (Valeriya in fact, but I am so used to be just Val online). I am from Ukraine. Right now I am in the maternity leave, but I am a researcher and teaching assistant by profession. You are reading my blog about blockchain fundamentals, crypto startups, ambassador programs, testnets, etc. Take a look at my other articles too! Feedback is appreciated.

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On the one hand

As you see above, I am Ph.D. in computer science. In fact, in mathematics and software support of information systems. My Ph.D work, among others, was based on methods of content personalization for tourists.

Why you should know that? — I was on the other side of privacy topic. Any personalization needs knowledge about the person itself. A lot of services are based on the knowledge about you and are devoted to make your life better, easier (or their life :) ).

During 3 long years, I was looking for a way to guess person’s tourist preferences. I hate taking small steps, so I was working on the one way to find out what kind of visual content a user wants to see the most, what kind of places to visit, what food to eat. Yes, I was too young and ambitious. I still am, but wiser too. That made me understand that the user should be watched and analysed day and night. Everything matters!

On the other hand

You might think:

“I need the service no matter what! I am not an important subject, no one will use the information against me.”

But today I can say that you even can’t imagine how mistaken you are. Would you like everyone around to know, for example, your medical data? Do you want people to judge you on how much money you have? Or do you want your browser history be publicly available? We may not care what some no name people think about us, but there always are people around us that we feel not to share our thoughts with.

Money rules the world, doesn’t it? I am used to thinking that they can help transform our personal world in a more suitable one. There was a question to think about in voyager chat in discord: “If you could answer the following: I want a privacy coin so I can buy… ”

I want a privacy coin, so I can buy choice. I’d better use “have choice”, but made it suitable as the answer. Privacy is not a thing we need in every situation, but I feel like we have forgotten that we need it at all.

Yes, I need choice whether to leave things private or public. Private, but safe and legal too. Here is where blockchain and Iron Fish are needed the most.


Let’s get closer to my blog topic. Yes, it is not the technical article, but I should revise few things.

“So, the thing you should keep in mind is that blockchain technology guarantees safety because the data is distributed through the network. And, yes, this is the main privacy issue — decentralization.” (Source)

This data can’t be changed or deleted. The second it gets into the chain — it is there forever.

Another thing is public key. Every wallet has its public and private key. Private key keeps the most important information in secret, but still public key shows the amount of “money” that are in the wallet.

There was a good thought from the community member during the AMA (sorry, don’t remember who that was, comment here, and I’ll edit): if the seller knows how much money the buyer has, it can influence the price.

I don’t think that the price is the only issue, but it still is a great example of how influential is privacy even in the small everyday things.

Iron Fish

I don’t want to repeat things that everyone from the community and officials has already told about the project, so I will leave my new video here. It is a short intro, that can explain both: why privacy matters and how Iron Fish can help with that.


I gave up my privacy a lot. COVID-19 made my life online much more significant than off-line. I think, everyone felt this way. Furthermore, when I met my friends and started telling them some news from my life, I’ve heard that they already know it from my social media. It was even hard to find topics to talk about once. But that was my choice.

But do I have another one today? The most important things are impossible without giving away lots of personal data. For example, buying a house, or even food. While I use credit card for paying, nothing is private.

But I hope Iron Fish will bring more choice to our lives. Private coin matters! Privacy matters.

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Val Savchuk

Ph.D in Computer sciences. Crypto enthusiastic. Crypto ambassador. Business analyst