How to Spot and Avoid Graphic Design Scams?

3 min readJan 21, 2023


A Guide for Business Owners and Freelancers

I. Introduction

A. Explanation of the problem of graphic design scams in the industry

Graphic design scams have become a common problem in the industry, with many unsuspecting clients falling victim to fraudulent designers. These scams can range from simple portfolio fraud to more complex pre-payment schemes.

B. Purpose of the article and what readers can expect to learn

The purpose of this article is to educate readers on the common types of graphic design scams, and provide tips on how to protect themselves when searching for a designer. By the end of this article, readers will have a better understanding of the red flags to look out for and the steps they can take to avoid falling victim to a scam.

C. Brief overview of the common types of graphic design scams

Some common types of graphic design scams include the “Portfolio Scam,” the “Pre-payment Scam,” and the “Template Scam.”

II. Prerequisites

A. Information on what the reader should know before diving into the article

Before diving into this article, it’s important for readers to have a basic understanding of graphic design and what it entails. Graphic design is the process of creating visual content for various mediums, such as websites, brochures, and logos.

B. Explanation of the basic knowledge of graphic design and what it entails

It’s also important for readers to understand the importance of research and due diligence when looking for a designer. This includes checking references, looking at a designer’s portfolio, and reading reviews.

C. Discussion of the importance of research and due diligence when looking for a designer

When searching for a designer, it’s crucial to have a clear idea of your design needs and expectations. This will help you to communicate your requirements to potential designers and avoid misunderstandings later on.

III. The common types of Graphic Design Scams

A. Explanation of the “Portfolio Scam” and how to spot it

The “Portfolio Scam” is when a designer uses fake or stolen designs in their portfolio to attract clients. To spot this scam, it’s important to look for inconsistencies in the portfolio and to ask for proof of previous work.

B. Discussion of the “Pre-payment Scam” and how to protect yourself

The “Pre-payment Scam” is when a designer asks for a significant amount of money upfront before any work has been completed. To protect yourself from this scam, it’s important to only pay for completed work and to use a payment method that offers protection.

C. Analysis of the “Template Scam” and how to identify it

The “Template Scam” is when a designer uses pre-made templates to create designs instead of creating original work. To identify this scam, it’s important to look for similarities in the designs and to ask for proof of originality.

IV. How to protect yourself from Graphic Design Scams

A. Tips for thoroughly researching a designer before working with them

To protect yourself from graphic design scams, it’s important to thoroughly research any potential designer. This includes checking references, looking at their portfolio, and reading reviews.

B. Discussion of payment methods that offer protection

When it comes to payment, it’s important to use methods that offer protection, such as escrow services or credit card payments. This ensures that you will be able to get your money back in case the designer fails to deliver on their promises.

C. Suggestions for clearly communicating your expectations and seeing a design before it’s finalized

Clearly communicating your design needs and expectations is also crucial. This includes seeing a design before it’s finalized and making sure that you are satisfied with the final product before making a payment.

V. Conclusion

A. Summary of key takeaways

In conclusion, graphic design scams are a common problem in the industry. By understanding the red flags to look out for and taking the necessary precautions, readers can protect themselves from falling victim to a scam.

B. Additional resources for further learning

Additional resources for further learning about graphic design scams include the websites of professional organizations, such as the Graphic Artists Guild, and online forums dedicated to graphic design.

D. Call to action for readers to be vigilant and protect themselves from graphic design scams

Remember to always be vigilant and protect yourself by thoroughly researching any potential designer and communicating your needs clearly.




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