Understanding Selena Gomez’s Changing Face

Vanessa Rowe
2 min readJan 5, 2024


Selena Gomez’s face has gone through noticeable changes over the years, sparking discussions around plastic surgery, illness, and body image. This article explores the potential reasons behind her transforming appearance.

What’s Behind Selena’s Altering Look?

Gomez has faced public scrutiny regarding her looks, with accusations of getting procedures like a nose job, chin implant, and even a boob job. However, Selena has attributed many of the changes to natural causes.

She has been open about her struggles with the autoimmune disease lupus, which can cause facial swelling. The medications she takes like Prednisolonealso contribute to a rounder face.

Selena has also spoken openly about her weight fluctuations and how that impacts her looks. She emphasizes self-acceptance regardless of criticisms about being “too fat” or “too skinny”.

Has Selena Admitted to Cosmetic Procedures?

While illness and medication explain some differences, Selena hasn’t denied getting aesthetic treatments either. She admitted in February 2022 to having “fresh Botox” and confirmed again in December 2023 that she “has had Botox”.

Observers also note changes like a plumper upper lip indicating potential filler use. However, Selena has not owned up to anything more than Botox.

Responding to Body Image Pressures

Dealing with lupus and the side effects of medications already pose challenges for Gomez in maintaining a young, consistent appearance. The added scrutiny on her body image often leaves her feeling targeted.

She shared in a 2019 video interview that her fluctuating weight was the “first time” she “really started noticing more of the body image stuff.” Public commentary criticizing her size made her question herself.

However, Selena has learned to cherish her natural body, noting that she doesn’t “have to be that 19-year-old body shape anymore.” She regularly calls out body-shamers on social media, boldly proclaiming “I am perfect the way I am”.

Frequently Asked Questions

What illness does Selena Gomez have?

Selena has an autoimmune disease called lupus, which causes inflammation and can lead to facial swelling or weight gain from medications.

Has Selena openly admitted to plastic surgery?

Yes, Selena has admitted in public statements to getting Botox injections. However, she hasn’t owned up to any other cosmetic procedures.

How does Selena handle body image pressures?

Selena responds to criticism about her body by emphasizing self-love and acceptance. She tunes out commentary that her size is “too big” or “too small” and focuses on appreciating her natural physique.

Understanding the interplay of illness, medication, ageing, and cosmetic treatments can shed light on changes in Selena’s face over time. While public speculation continues, Selena handles it with grace, choosing to embrace her appearance however it transforms.



Vanessa Rowe

Hello there! I'm Vanessa Rowe, and I'm a News reporter and Writer with 7 years of Experience in Celebrity News , and now i’m with Lella.uk - Lella Magazine .