Marsđź’žVenus Series #4
SOS Ambulance time
Run into the strong loving arms of Jesus. Let Him heal and make you whole. He can recall all your broken pieces – He knows exactly where they are buried. He can break all those 101 toxic soul ties we collected over years of filthy living. Some of us got so many heavy ropes that its a gigantic Gordian Knot at this juncture in our lives!
Fret not! He can break those steel gym battle cables with His little finger.
The trauma is real
The heart cries. The wounded soul needs healing. How else is a hurting heart to love and trust again? Ugly crying with snot flying moments are too many to count. Oh the tales our pillows could tell about the many nights we drenched them in our tears. The fountains of the deep broke! And our pillows got soaked!
As if the all night crying was not enough, we wake up swarmed with the haunting memories and the commencement of fresh tidal torrents. Those harsh voices screaming how hopeless and worthless we were sounded like a croaking broken record that wouldn’t stop. We just wanted the pain to stop. Would this abyss in our soul ever encounter light?
He is your Lasting Hope
Only He can reach down into all the most painful well hidden recesses of our souls, rip out the blackest of darkness and make us holy and pure so we can see His face and live again with godly purpose and divine destiny.
We build walls to keep out the intruder of betrayal, rejection and abandonment. To trust again but what if it gets shattered again? A repeat of that trauma and hurt is unbearable. We self-treat. We try to erect a shield (as if we’re Captain America) and in this process become a recluse, withdraw from deeper connections and self-medicate into a dark corner thinking its safer. We become crouching meowing kitten and hidden rain drenched puppy.
Crouching Kitten and Hidey Hole Puppy
Its not safer. Eventually, it gets darker and murkier. In some extreme cases, lonely cat lady has her dead cat taxidermied, so it will be with her always; while lonely boy overdozes on opiates. Lonely world is not as safe as we might think it is. Its a desperate recourse, an act of self-preservation against the big bad evil wolves out there.
Pause now…
Let me take you back to God’s original design in Genesis 2, where the Wisest One of all declared, “It is not good for a human to be alone.”
Bbbb…but…I can’t trust nomore. My heart’s shattered into a mllion smithereens.
I plead with you…
Continue with Dr Jesus
He is your one and only knight in holy anointed armour who can cut through the barb wired walls around our calloused hearts which we erected as self defense and self preservation. The heart can only bleed so much!
He alone can heal the scarred tissue of our hearts because of all the painful rejection; the gnawing loneliness on account of being neglected and abandoned many times; the piercing wound of bitter regret; the slow poison of unforgiveness; the burning rage and anger at the injustices and unfairness of it all. Only His healing hands can reach inside the crevices in the caves of our hearts and rip those cobwebs along with those spiders out.
Not only that, but He can give you a brand new canvas, so together with Him, another newer painting, or story, (whichever you prefer) can now commence.
Tell Him all about your aching heart. Give Him every detail about how you feel. Go on. There’s nothing to hold you back. Its just you and Him. Write it down in a letter addressing it to Him. Do a video or audio tell all only with Him. He’s patiently listening already! Let the water-works begin. Start ahoy!
The First Day
After you’re done in this first session. Quiet down. Listen for His voice. Wait. Don’t give up after 10 seconds. Search for His voice in your heart. He’s there already. He’s always been there. He’s been waiting on you all this time.
Next day: Repeat
In Him, you can breathe again!
You can dust those crusted wings…one flap…two flap…take a deep breath…now push yourself forward and FLY!
P.S. You will have to hit repeat mode on most days. Nobody said its going to be easy!