The Guide To Effectively Personalize Exit Intent Popups

Vanhishikha Bhargava
5 min readAug 16, 2016

*Originally published on the Exit Bee Blog

Personalization has become an important aspect of everything related to marketing. There is no way that you can reach out to your target market with a broadcast message or a sales pitch and expect him to convert.

In simpler words, if you can’t connect with your audience, they are not going to engage with your business. Be it signing up for a free trial or even a small thing such as subscribing to your blog!

The thing is, unless what you offer seems to add value to the customer, he is not going to convert on it.

But here’s another truth, you can’t possibly gauge in one go as to what a prospect will instantly convert on. This is why there are exit intent popups!

Exit intent popups give you a second chance to convert a website visitor. If he hasn’t engaged with your business in the first go, the popup is your chance to test another value proposition that he might relate to more. As we always say, the higher the relatability, the more are the chances of a visitor converting on your business website.

In case you’re wondering how to effective personalize a popup — because you thought it was just another website element, we got you covered.

If you’re just setting up an exit intent campaign on your website, here are a few personalization tips to keep in mind:

1. Make it about the visitor

While crafting the message for your popup, ensure it speaks only and only about the visitor. The focus needs to be on sharing what the visitor will gain if he converts on your product/service. If a visitor feels like he is being pushed to only fill in your sales pipeline, he is going to abandon your business.

Conduct a little research on the pain points of your target audience, identify those that can work the best for what you offer and craft your message showing your value proposition as the solution they have been looking for.

2. Speak to them directly

And by speaking we mean, make your popup copy talk to them. Using words like ‘you’ will automatically help the visitor picture himself alongside the value proposition. It instantly makes your message more about him and less about your business.

Another wise trick used for higher conversions, is to mix this strategy with a slightly negative copy that speaks of what the visitor will lose if he doesn’t interact with your business. This makes him reconsider his decision of leaving, and makes him more likely to convert.

For instance, this campaign that we use on our website speaks of how ‘you lose’ if you don’t retarget your visitors before leaving. (See it in action here on trying to exit the page when it loads)

3. Offer a micro conversion

Sometimes it takes a little bit of convincing to make a visitor convert into your customer. If you’re too pushy in making him convert, chances are that he will doubt your intentions or simply leave to look for someone who doesn’t need to make a bigger commitment with.

So when you retarget this visitor with an exit intent popup, offer a micro conversion. For instance, if you want him to sign up for a free trial of your product, suggest a demo instead so that he understands what you offer first. Or if you want him to subscribe to your newsletter, nudge him to follow you on social first so he can see what kind of content you share.

For instance, this blog site here nudges an exiting visitor to like their Facebook page instead of subscribe to the newsletter.

4. Include trust elements

A lot internet users are skeptical about engaging with businesses because they don’t find them trustworthy. Or they believe that they will get spammed later if they share their contact information. The truth is, there are a lot of businesses who have given them a reason to not be sure.

This is why it is important to include a few trust elements on your popup. Something that lets them know they won’t be spammed and will only get value from your business. Also letting them know that there are others like him who have engaged and are happy with your business, is a good way to give him the final nudge!

For instance, this popup here asks the visitor to join 10,000 others like him. It automatically makes him feel that the business is trusted in the market.

5. Create custom campaigns for everyone

Your website visitors come from different sources, locations and almost certainly land on different web pages. Then why target them with the same popup, offering the same thing? While some might convert on it, for some it would just be another irrelevant message they were shown!

Create custom campaigns for your with Exit Bee and take your personalization a step further. Different campaigns with custom messaging on different web pages or triggered on different filters, are a great way to let the visitor know that he is cared for.

For instance, if a visitor is leaving from the women’s clothing section, you can target him with a popup that suggests popularly bought products from that category. But if he seems to be leaving from the home page after spending sometime on it, you can target him with a message to subscribe to your newsletter instead.

Starting off..

Popups are considered to be intrusive in nature by most marketers and internet users. But the truth is, the popups aren’t intrusive — the business’s messaging is.

Hence, like every other marketing effort you’re making, ensure that your popup implements personalization as well. Be it the messaging or the way visitors are targeted by it, never make a visitor feel he is being pushed or served a broadcast message — go contextual all the way; especially when you know he is just about to leave your website and it is your last chance to convert him!

Create personalized exit intent campaigns with Exit Bee!

