Introducing Vape Liquid Mining

5 min readJul 7, 2023


Get ready for the highly anticipated launch of Liquid Mining! But before we delve into the thrilling details, let’s rewind and explore the crucial roles that VAPE and VPND play within the thriving VaporFi ecosystem.

These tokens form the foundation of our innovative platform, and now, with the introduction of Liquid Mining, they offer even more rewarding opportunities for our valued community. Let’s dive in and discover the incredible rewards that await you in Liquid Mining!

What is VAPE?

VAPE is the dynamic governance and utility token that powers VaporDEX, our cutting-edge decentralized exchange on the Avalanche network. As the VaporDEX platform continues to expand and transform, VAPE will become an essential component of our vibrant DEX and ecosystem. By holding VAPE, you unlock a world of possibilities, granting you the ability to actively participate in governing decisions that shape the future of VaporDEX and the VAPE token itself.

Additionally, VAPE offers exclusive access to incremental value experiences that require its possession to fully participate and reap the benefits.

As VaporDEX and our ecosystem continue to flourish, VAPE assumes a pivotal role in ensuring our community can fully capitalize on the value experiences offered by our exceptional products, solutions, and services. We are creating a token economy that seamlessly adapts and evolves alongside our broader ecosystem, allowing VAPE’s influence to expand in tandem with our growth trajectory.

Role of VPND

Prepare to unlock a world of opportunities with VPND, the mining token that transcends traditional limits. VPND is not just any token — it holds a specialized role, serving as your key to minting, mining, and earning a myriad of tokens within the dynamic VaporFi ecosystem, starting with VAPE!

Liquid Mining Overview

With Liquid Mining, you can securely deposit your VPND tokens and enjoy a dynamic percentage of scheduled VAPE reward emissions. The name “Liquid Mining” reflects the flexible nature of your deposited funds, which remain accessible for withdrawals at the end of each mining season. This innovative feature runs on a predefined emission schedule, generating fully minted VAPE tokens over a period of at least 12.5 years. The reward allocations are carefully managed, ensuring a rewarding experience for participants. Discover the possibilities of Liquid Mining and start maximizing your earnings today!

Seasons Overview

Liquid Mining takes place in “seasons,” creating an exciting recurring event for participants. Each season occurs on a monthly basis and begins with the formation of a dedicated pool, which emits rewards by the end of the season. With a minimum of 150 liquid mining seasons, you can look forward to a long-lasting experience. At the end of each season, rewards are automatically deposited into your wallet, ensuring a seamless and convenient process.

*Note: A user can choose to unlock x-amount of their VPND from the liquid mining pool before the end of the season, but it will incur an early unlock fee one time per unlock. When a user elects to perform an early unlock of their VPND in the liquid mining pool, they are charged an early unlock fee of 10%. Early unlocks will also have a cooldown period of 72 hours before a user can withdraw their tokens.


To join and participate in Liquid Mining, all you need is to have VPND tokens in your wallet, connect your wallet to VaporDEX, and grant authorization for its usage. It’s as simple as that! You don’t have to be a node owner or a Stratosphere member to participate. However, please note that if you wish to deposit an amount exceeding 5,000 VPND, you’ll need to purchase a mining pass…so let’s talk about mining passes and boosts!


In Liquid Mining, your rewards are determined by your Mining Score rather than your VPND Total Value Locked (TVL), adding an exciting twist to traditional staking and introducing gamified mechanics.

Here’s how it works: For every 1 VPND locked in the pool, participants earn 1 point towards their Mining Score every 24 hours. So, if you have 50,000 VPND in the pool, your Mining Score will increase by 50K points based on your TVL. **Note: Unlocked VPND does not earn any new points.

In addition to the daily point accumulation, participants in the current season are eligible for a special one-time boost to their cumulative Mining Score every 24 hours. This boost is added to their current total score, allowing them to effectively compound their score on a daily basis. This opens up exciting opportunities for crafting unique strategies to maximize your Mining Score.

There are four types of boosts that can be used. Only one of these can be used every 24 hours.

  • Base — free to use, available to everyone including non-members
  • Level 1 — only available to Stratosphere members, costs 2.0 USDC to use
  • Level 2 — only available to Stratosphere members, costs 3.0 USDC to use
  • Level 3 — only available to Stratosphere members, costs 4.0 USDC to use

Mining Passes

A mining pass allows users to join and participate in larger boosts to earn more points. There are 10 tiers of mining passes ranging from free to 100 USDC.

Rewards Distribution

At the end of the season, a user will be automatically distributed VAPE tokens that they’ve earned as rewards. The season will come to an end at the end of the month and both locked VPND and VAPE rewards will be sent to the user’s wallet!

How to Participate

Liquid Mining will go LIVE tomorrow, July 7th! Log onto VaporDEX and connect your wallet. Users can access the Liquid Mining dashboard through the VaporDEX menu under Earn VAPE:

The team is making a determined effort to ensure that xVape (mining VAPE to earn USDC) is prepared prior to the conclusion of the inaugural Liquid Mining season! It’s on its way to safeguard and enhance the value of VAPE!




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