Unlocking Rewards: A Dive into the VPR Staking Pool and Monthly Bonuses

2 min readJan 3, 2024



Dive into the VPR Staking Pool, offering a trio of pools designed exclusively for VPR token holders seeking to amplify their assets through the Bybit Earn program on the January 4th 2024. Discover the power of strategic staking, with users having the opportunity to earn additional VPR (2,000,000 maximum cap) over distinct time frames, each paired with its own alluring Annual Percentage Rate (APR):

  • 30 days term: 10% APR
  • 60 days term: 30% APR
  • 90 days term: 60% APR

Bybit Staking Program Link >> https://www.bybit.com/en/earn/savings/

Adding to the allure, participants in the campaign are automatically entered into a draw, presenting the chance to win the monthly pool reward. These exclusives unlock the gateway to monthly bonus rewards awaiting redemption at vaporwallet.co.

The equation is simple — the longer and more substantial your VPR stake, the greater the likelihood of claiming enticing monthly bonus rewards.

Monthly Bonus Rewards:

The monthly top 10 winners, chosen at random from the Bybit exchange, stand to reap diverse rewards, enhancing the value of their crypto portfolio:

  1. MacBook Pro: Valued at approximately $1,500
  2. iPhone 15 Pro: Valued at approximately $1,000
  3. $500 worth of BTC
  4. $200 worth of VPR
  5. $100 worth of VPR
  6. $100 worth of VPR
  7. $100 worth of VPR
  8. $100 worth of VPR
  9. $100 worth of VPR
  10. $100 worth of VPR

Claiming Your Rewards:

For the fortunate winners, claiming these rewards is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to unlock the treasures:

  1. Transfer Winner tickets from the Bybit wallet to your preferred crypto wallet.
  2. Visit vaporwallet.co.
  3. Navigate to the “Claim Bonus Rewards” section.
  4. Connect with your crypto wallet securely.
  5. Fill in the mandatory forms accurately.
  6. Claim your rewards — upon successful verification, expect to receive your reward within 15 days.

Immerse yourself in the potential of the VPR Staking Pool, a gateway to strategic asset growth and bonus rewards. This innovative initiative not only offers a platform for staking but also introduces an element of excitement with monthly bonus opportunities. As the crypto landscape evolves, seize the chance to maximize your gains through the VPR Staking Pool and elevate your crypto journey to new heights.




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