Vara Community Monthly Recap | March 2023

Vara Network
4 min readApr 5, 2023

The Vara community enjoyed another productive month with exciting activities!

There was plenty of knowledge-sharing and collaboration among passionate community members across multiple global locations.

Let’s recap March’s Vara community events sponsored by the Gear Foundation.

Vara and Gear Foundation’s March Workshops Ignite Passion for Blockchain Education in Latin America

On March 4, Vara kicked off an incredible month of engaging workshops with a suite of smart contract education for the community at Hotel HG and students at the Universidad Panamericana in Jalisco on March 6. But this was just the beginning!

The Gear Community Workshop on March 11 brought together participants from across Mexico City to explore blockchain technology within UNESCO World Heritage Site grounds on UNAM University’s main campus. This unforgettable experience ushered new understanding and knowledge into their lives.

On March 29, The Gear Community was at ITAM University in Mexico City, guiding a workshop for students in various disciplines, including Applied Mathematics, Data Science and Economics.

Gear’s House hosted its inaugural event in LATAM, a series of monthly workshops bringing together professional developers from around Mexico City. With the support of Blockdemy (@blockdemy) Coworking- an esteemed Web3 academy based in Latin America — the community aims to collaborate and grow within these unique events.

Gear Community’s Engagement Keeps members active with Panels, Workshops, and Dialogues

The Gear community remained vibrant by participating in the following:

  • The Gear Chinese Community Manager joined CryptoTalks on Women’s Day to share their knowledge and collaborate with others.
  • Gear community members guided a discussion about transitioning from Web2 programming to Web3, using Rust for Gear as part of an open web house talk (with @openwebacademy_).
  • The Gear Spanish community engaged in a Twitter space learning about Vara Network and the Gear Protocol with Pavel Salas as the guest on March 29.
  • Furthering engagement in the digital space, Gear community representatives participated in an event covering Vara Network technologies and trends related to Web3 before teaming up with Blu3 (@blu3latam) women for a special workshop on March 11.

On March 11, Gear held their Chinese Community BiWeekly Call to discuss ecosystem and technical updates. Then on the 17th, members of the Mexican community attended Zona 3’s Multichain Developer Road for a deeper understanding of blockchain technology.

Gear also included two other thoughtful sessions: an informative dialogue with Marketing Manager Esahm and a thorough study into reading all aspects of contract state using Metawasmon — all illuminating topics tailored towards fostering greater comprehension among all attendees.

Live Events

The Gear community energized its presence in cryptocurrency circles with several live events. They included participating in Binance Live — hosted by AutoSultan Community, a panel discussion at Crypto Spring event in Antalya and engaging Twitter Spaces convened by BitizenWallet.

Other events graced by the Gear community include:

  • Joining the CESS (@CESS_Storage) session for a live discussion with leading project representatives on how decentralized storage will empower SocialFi mass adoption. Watch the recording here!
  • Gear community attended a panel to discuss Vara Network, its technologies and the trends in Web3.

Community Meetup for Networking and Growth

On March 24, the Gear Community welcomed attendees to Madrid for an informative evening of networking and education about smart contracts. Participants mingled with leading community members and gained valuable insights into Gear’s technology.

The Polkadot Safari held in Kenya provided the Gear community with a forum to discuss and share web3 highlights with the diverse society, dedicated to building, supporting and growing the African Web3 ecosystem.

Gear and Vara communities gathered for their first-ever meetup in Bali, Indonesia, in the last week of March. Members also met in Twitter Spaces discussions and quizzes that tested their knowledge of global networks, ending with an insightful gathering of Mexico’s community at the Bitcoin Embassy bar to conclude March events.

The Vara community, with the support of the Gear Foundation, was vibrant in blockchain and cryptocurrency education worldwide. They reached students, developers, and fellow crypto enthusiasts through engaging events and workshops around smart contracts and technology advancements. Their presence at live industry gatherings hosted conversations on the latest trends within Web3 technologies and Vara Network news — laying firm foundations for further growth.

Stay tuned for more events and workshops in the upcoming months!



Vara Network

Vara is a fast and scalable Layer-1 decentralized network powered by Gear Protocol. The best playground for developing and running your dApps.