Svarmani Faireborn
1 min readFeb 3, 2017


I was born in 1977, please, never call me a millennial. That term offends my senses. I was not brought up entitled like these kids. When I participated in a competition (sports, academic or other) if my team lost we didn’t get any kind of “participation” award. I grant that this younger generation is better at the “cell phone” age that we are in, but if you took away computers and cell phones most of them could not survive. I am the aunt of 14 such millenials and most want everything handed to them. So, while your research says more of them are hard working, I wondering how limited a scope the research really was. And do not get me started on workplace autonomy. When did we as a nation decide that doing a job any place but with co-workers in a designated location was a great idea? Seriously, I’d rather wake an hour early and go to a place where others did work along side of me than laze around all day in my jammies working from my tablet or laptop. It’s lazy and disgraceful. So, please, don’t call me a millennial, because that just isn’t me.

