The Price of Lying

Vattana Thach
7 min readApr 23, 2018



When you deprive yourself of your own truth you are denying your right to be happy.

When you suppress your intuition, you will look outside of yourself to find the answers to your deepest questions instead of listening to what’s within.

Photo by Anna Sullivan on Unsplash

It’s not worth giving up who you are to be accepted by others for who you are not. I understand we all want to fit in somewhere but compromising who you are is not something you should consider doing.

Manipulation & Manufactured Discontent

Why do we suppress when everything we know to be true lives right inside of us? Society creates a framework for each gender, race, and age group. They put us in a box that is easy to predict and control so they can market products and services that treat our symptoms of discontent.

When you are not honest with yourself. When you decide that someone else controls your happiness. The market takes advantage of you. In other words you forfeit your power because you thought you had none to begin with.

Own or Be Owned

I think it’s important we talk about ownership of one’s self and everything that happens to us. Own your mistakes.

Own your situation and your circumstances because if you don’t, the market will.

Photo by Justyn Warner on Unsplash

When you take ownership and responsibility for everything that happens to you, you are putting pressure on yourself to make the changes that are necessary to achieve what you want. Where as if you blamed someone else and wished or expected them to fix a situation, you have no reason to take the initiative to make change.

It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is or what faults you have.

It is and will always be for the rest of your life, your responsibility to work through your hardships.

That concept in itself means you have the power to work things into your favor instead of becoming a victim of circumstance; powerless.

Your Vulnerability & The Market

If you do not take ownership of your situation, reflect and seek real solutions, the market will take advantage of your vulnerability and offer you a ‘treatment’. If you don’t take responsibility for your problems it’s much easier to look to a product/ service to ‘fix’ what may be hurting you internally.

Photo by Sweet Ice Cream Photography on Unsplash

If you get hooked to this product/ service you may then become reliant on a product/ service that you don’t actually need or it is only serving as a crutch that will never go away.

If a product/ service distracts you from confronting the root of the problem, you are being manipulated and so is your wallet.

However the market isn’t all bad. There are legitimate products/ services out there that can help you achieve your goals or help you find the root cause of your problems. Just please be aware, reflect from time to time and do your research.

Diseases & Lower Frequencies

If you give up and give in, your mind and your body become okay with a lower state of being.

When we think we aren’t worth it, we treat ourselves like we aren’t worth it.

Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

We deny good things that come into our lives because we fear that we aren’t good enough or deserving. We eat shit, we consume shit, then we will feel like shit. Or some of us eat next to nothing because we feel like nothing.

Once we reach a low enough mental state, our bodies start to feel the consequences as well. It is now not only a battle with anxiety and low-self esteem but you start experiencing different levels of inflammation in your body.

Which eventually translate into diseases and disorders. When we reach that state, most people turn to conventional medicine. I am not the biggest advocate of conventional medicine in most cases.

Profits before people

The word that you will hear all the time in the conventional world of medicine is ‘treatment’. To this day I haven’t heard about any doctors prescribing or performing cures. This gives people like you and I the impression that nothing at the moment is curable, when in fact things are.

This goes back to the statement I made about how the market only treats our symptoms of discontent.

Treatments can be performed over and over at the cost of someone else’s misfortune.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

While a cure is a one and done thing.

When I say one and done I don’t mean there is a magical one-time procedure that fixes a problem. Problems have layers to them (unless you’re working with numbers).

To truly cure something means to understand where the problem came from and work towards reversing the current state that it’s in. The closer you move to the root, the further away the problem becomes. Then you understand how to prevent the problem from ever occurring again.

I don’t think enough people question how much money is raised every day for ‘charities’ to find a cure. If you think we as a species are that incapable after years of trying to find cures to all of today’s most popular ‘cancers’, you are highly underestimating the power of the human mind.

Our Roots

The further we stray from our roots, the more disconnected we become from ourselves. The more disconnected we are from ourselves the less we are able to truly connect with others.

Divide & Conquer

If we are unable to connect with others it’s much easier for us to be divided and manipulated by the market and the system. Empathy is the key to combat this strategy. Empathy is found through progressing through one’s personal trials and tribulations.

The Illusion of Separation

What we think are separate and different are actually one in the same.

Photo by Providence Doucet on Unsplash

We are all parts of the same whole.

When we make this realization for ourselves we no longer have the heart to hate or mistreat.

The Truth

Self-awareness, empathy, and self-love are the keys to our troubles.

In order to obtain those qualities you must be willing to sacrifice a lot of things. Sometimes we don’t realize the effect a toxic friend, family member or co-worker has on us until we are able to reflect and connect.

We all at some point in our lives should cut off people who have a problem with our dreams and ambitions. Walk away from relationships that drain you. School does not determine your worth. Tradition is not religion.

Photo by John Forson on Unsplash

Your career isn’t who you are, it’s what you do. Don’t base your entire self-worth on your job, it will be much harder to be happy. Don’t live to please other people, you will get lost doing it. Only then to find that you will one day lose everyone you tried to please because you are now trying to find yourself.

Perspective and patience will be the skill-sets you need to achieve empathy and self-love. Courage will give you the strength to embrace who you are unapologetically. That will grant you self-awareness.

If you are willing to step into your truth… you will win. If you continue to lie to yourself…you will lose. Neither option is easy, but there is only one option worth investing in.

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Shall We Connect?

I hope you understand how important it is to stay true yourself. It’s really difficult to get into a space where you can embrace who you are fully. It takes a lot of courage but trust me it’s the most liberating thing you can ever do for yourself.

If this helped you in some way or got you to think, let me know. I’d love to know what you’re thinking/ feeling. ‘Clap’ to let me know this made an impact.

I’m here to talk if you need me ❤

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Impact & How We All Play a Part

You know that I’m always trying to spread knowledge and good vibes. If you think this can help someone, please share it with them. There is a lot of power in you tagging, liking, and sharing stuff you believe in.

Photo by James Baldwin on Unsplash

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Please stay true to yourself. If you’re having a hard time figuring out who you are, trust the silence and let all your emotions out, you’ll find clarity ❤



Vattana Thach

I’m here to be honest. Feel🔥- Focus📷 - Reflect📝 - Grow🌱- Thrive↗ Team Empathy💜