Harnessing Community Power: Vault Hill DAO’s Vision for Africa’s Digital Transformation

Vault Hill
3 min readMay 14, 2024

Vault Hill is excited to announce the launch of the Vault Hill DAO, which was implemented using the innovative Aragon app. This significant development is a crucial component of our broader Vault Hill 3.0 initiative and part of our strategy with Steven Bartlett’s ThirdWeb Superchain accelerator acceptance, which aims to revolutionize Africa’s digital landscape and enhance our community’s engagement and governance capabilities.

Why Aragon?

Aragon is renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust features that simplify the creation and management of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). By choosing Aragon for our DAO setup, we ensure that our community benefits from a seamless and transparent governance experience. This aligns with our commitment to transparency, which is essential as we scale our projects across the continent.

Transparency and Accountability

With ambitious plans for 2024, every step we take must be transparent and accountable. The Vault Hill DAO facilitates this by enabling every community member to participate actively in the decision-making processes. Our collaboration with Aragon underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and openness.

Participation in the Vault Hill DAO

To participate in the Vault Hill DAO, members will need $VHC tokens. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. $VHC Tokens: Members need to own $VHC tokens to participate — This can be bought here.
  2. Creating Proposals: Members can propose new ideas or changes within the ecosystem. Learn how to craft effective proposals by watching this tutorial.
  3. Voting on Proposals: Every token holder’s voice is important. Understand the voting process and how your votes count by viewing this instructional video.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

The launch of the Vault Hill DAO is more than just a technological upgrade; it is a commitment to our community. We invite all stakeholders to join us in this journey, ensuring that Vault Hill continues to be a leader in digital innovation and community-driven development. Your participation is vital as we continue to build on the foundations of Vault Hill 3.0, creating a more connected and technologically advanced Africa.

Let’s make decisions together, shape the digital future, and innovate responsibly and transparently. Welcome to the Vault Hill DAO.

About Vault Hill

Vault Hill is a technology company dedicated to enhancing human experiences through innovative uses of blockchain and artificial intelligence. Our platforms, including Vault Hill City and VH Games, create immersive, interactive environments that revolutionise how users interact in the digital world.

Stay tuned for updates on our collaborative projects and initiatives by visiting our website and following us on our social media platforms.



Vault Hill

An AI-driven, extended reality Blockchain-based metaverse designed to make you feel more human