5 Benefits of Using Dreamweaver for Web Designing

Ve Robin
3 min readAug 28, 2017


Dreamweaver is known for its robust CSS features. This is just one of the many advantages of the program and if you wish to know more, read on.

After creating programs like Flash and PDF, Adobe has come up with another program that has been gaining a lot of popularity amongst web designing and web development professionals.

Adobe Dreamweaver is used by web designers — amateurs and professionals — to create appealing and dynamic websites. If you aren’t familiar yet with its features, the reasons given below will make you realize why this is one of the best website design programs available in the market:

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1. Efficiency and ease of use

This program has not only been crafted with advanced level users in mind but it is also designed for novices. With Dreamweaver, simple and complex websites can be designed using a point and click method.
You get the opportunity to view HTML pages during the design process.

Web designers using Dreamweaver are empowered to select different views while creating web pages. A ‘code view’ shows only the HTML code for a chosen web page. A ‘design view’ highlights the way the HTML web page will appear in different browsers. ‘A split view’, as the name implies, enables you to see both the code view and design view at the same time. The views are updated automatically as changes are made and the user can immediately see the effect of a change.

2. Ability to create consistent-looking web pages

Adobe Dreamweaver includes templates for web pages that come in handy in the designing process. Template files can be created by the user or alternatively, readymade templates available within the program can be put to use. This feature allows even amateurs to design web pages as the workload is reduced considerably. For instance, if your site is made up of 20 pages based around a particular template design, it will have a consistent style and will therefore be more user-friendly.

3. Opportunity to manage and update websites effectively

Web designers can make changes to the design of a website simply by editing the Dreamweaver template files. This eliminates the need to modify each page manually because the program can automatically update the pages created using a template. This way you can save a lot time and effort. Moreover, using templates means that the code and the design will be separate. As a result, changes can be made to content without the risk of making unnecessary or incorrect alterations to the code.

4. Easy to upload using FTP

The Dreamweaver software comes with in-built FTP features; so, it is possible to upload files directly to your website.

5. Customizable software

The users of Dreamweaver can customize the look of the software as per their requirements. Menus, tabs, commands, fonts and code coloring can all be adjusted according to personal preference. This can help streamline the web design process effectively.

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Dreamweaver is unmistakably powerful. And while it is very powerful and speeds up web development, there is still so much of it that is never used. The price tag becomes a little heavier once you realize how much you have paid for many of the things that you will never use.



Ve Robin

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