Vega A.I. — A New Chapter Begins

Vega Intelligent Solutions
4 min readJan 31, 2018


We are Going Full Speed to the Top

From the beginning endeavor of our exciting crowdfund campaign, we laid everything out on the table keeping full transparency, unique open-minded approaches, to be met with the promising support and challenges alike. Even when in doubt of reaching our goal, the team collaborated well working very hard together to succeed in the end. Most importantly of all, we had fun doing it! We now have two working applications from Vega Intelligent Solutions and built future relations with other potential partners! I want to personally thank everyone for their support and look forward to the future we build together!

ICO Summary
With that said here is a breakdown of the crowdfund campaign which started November 24th, 2017 and ended January 7th, 2018. The the total amount of Vega tokens after the ICO that will be in circulation:

Public Distribution (65%) 766,216.55882347 VEGA
Founders Fund (15%) 176,819.20588234 VEGA
Bounties/Airdrops (10%) 117,879.47058823 VEGA
Partnerships (10%) 117,879.47058823 VEGA
Total VEGA Tokens 1,178,794.70588226

All other tokens will be burned after distribution. There are over 670 potential holders of the Vega token! For those still waiting on bounties and airdrops, we experienced some issues as we are setting up the Ethereum blockchain. We expect to have this distributed this week. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we ensure Vega tokens get to the correct addresses.

The Big Question — What is Next?
As we finish up the distribution of the VEGA tokens, we look forward to getting listed on exchanges as soon as possible. We know that this process can take some time especially now that many of the exchanges are flooded with new token listings, account creations, etc. I am very optimistic that we could see several listings within the next few weeks or so by getting our name to the front of the line if possible.

The live streams and radio shows are coming back! I know we have had a break from them, but we have plans to get them back up and talk about our future plans and recent developments starting next week. These have proven to be effective ways to reach the community and be more personable. Primarily we just enjoy doing them!

New Hires & Team Changes
Amanda now has a great opportunity in Novusphere as the new Community Manager! It has been excellent working with Amanda on this project and we will continue to keep her involved with Vega’s future relations with Novus. We truly believe she will continue to do great things over there!

Therefore, we have hired on a new Director of Operations whom is a friend mine Linda. I know her to be very well-organized and determined working with her in the past. She will be a great asset to our new team and make sure that we keep on track to our commitments and reach our development goals.

Our next new team member some of you may already know as Danny or BDan who will be the Community Manager going forward. He has become one of the most helpful supporters and active contributors to discussion of Vega. I believe he will do an excellent job promoting our future products and handling the community!

Finishing What We Started
There are two applications that we have started and we plan to finish to begin on other projects. We have several updates to push to our Github with full details to be released. We look to refactor some of the code and improve the the overall deployment process of each application.

The Reports & Taxes Made Easy has new features including a personal A.I. assistant to help traders be aware of the latest laws and regulations. In our last stream we demonstrated the voice recognition using Dialogflow. This shows great potential to start using our A.I. with many different applications across devices. There are still improvements we can make here, but we believe this application is very close to completion!

We have very exciting new features we want to implement with our automated trading application and the Vega A.I. bot. Soon we will be discussed among very experienced investors and brokers as we plan to work with MyTradingBuddy. I have spoken with their representative gaining permission to include RSS feeds into our A.I. from their affiliates. This includes releasing expert trading indications from the professionals of Wave5Trade blog! We believe this is going to improve our overall price predictions and analysis, but more importantly, lead towards expanding into other financial markets and trading strategies. Our next steps will begin with implementing these features. There is much more to be done here we will keep the community updated on our progress.

One Step at a Time…
There are other future partnerships and plans on a third application that opens new doors and even greater opportunities! I will release more information on that at a later time. For now, the primary objective is to clean the full plate we have in front of us. I am eager to begin setting forth everything in motion working towards the continued success our community believes in. You should see many updates to the website and documentation to reflect these announcements. Everyone is going to be thrilled with the results from our progressive team here at Vega Intelligent Solutions!




Vega Intelligent Solutions

Experience the Future of Automated Intelligent Business Solutions Powered by A.I. and Machine Learning