Vega Development — Update 2/12

Vega Intelligent Solutions
4 min readFeb 13, 2018


Kicking things off this week at Vega Intelligent Solutions we are working on several new and exciting development updates. We are hard at work on the automated trading system to begin making transactions on exchanges. The A.I. bot will soon be available on Telegram to all users. We are also touching up testing on the Reports and Taxes Made Easy program, for those making trades in the U.S. having this helpful tool will be a great help especially this time of the year. We also have some live streaming media being released to demonstrate these new features and future implementations. If you have not noticed already we are working to get listed on notable exchanges as soon as possible.

Vega Token OTC Trading/Exchanges

The total Vega tokens initially created were 46 million now in circulation after the crowdfund there are 1,178,794.70588227 VEGA and there were 44,821,205.29411773 VEGA tokens recently burned after using our “function burn(uint256 _value)” found in the smart contract.

We have already had multiple people reaching out to us that feel they may have missed out on the crowdfund and would like to obtain some Vega tokens of their own. Even though we have been listed on an exchange, there is definitely a more engaging transaction that promotes trust and encourages discussion within the community which is over-the-counter trading (OTC). We have several ways that this can be done. Most of our community discussion traffic is happening on our Telegram which is a great place to reach out to the community with trade requests. You may also using our Discord #trading channel as well.

In the meantime, we are working to get listed on various exchanges. You can thank our Community Manager — Danny for all of his hard work and efforts to follow up with listing requests. There is currently an “upvote” going on for a listing on NextExchange that we highly recommend taking a minute to help us upvote our request. This would be a big win for all of us!

Vega Tokens for Trading Applications

With two applications in development and many more to come, it is important for us to understand what the future holds for the Vega token and how it will be intrinsically used within our ecosystem. Let’s take an arcade game for example, where you get these nice shiny gold coins or more modern virtual credits to keep playing the game. In similarity and all games aside, the Vega tokens will be used to fuel the automated transactions you make and circulated back into the ecosystem for reusability. We may also have other features outside of open-source utilizing the Vega tokens the same way. We will release more details and models to represent how this process works in the very near future.

Radio Show and Live Stream

This week Brian Carter will be on the Crypto Core Radio show live Wednesday, February 14 at 9 PM EST. We will be talking about everything going on in Vega Intelligent Solutions and other blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies with the host Lootz. If you missed out on the last show check it out here. Don’t miss out on this one we hope to see you all there!

The live streams were supposed to come back last week and we sincerely apologize for the delay. The great stream machine had hard drive failures and even the processor overheated out of nowhere. We should be back up and running by tomorrow and at the latest have a stream no later than Thursday 2/15. We will keep you updated if we can get back up and running before then. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube and get notifications when we go live on stream

Development Updates

Vega A.I. and ATS has a couple of updates this week.

  • We’ve implemented the Wave5Trade blogs from MyInvestingBuddy into the intents.
  • We are finishing integrating the A.I. into the Telegram discussion channel so users can interact with the intents.
  • Improved webhooks running automatically via configuration and docker deployment of the application.
  • Over the next couple of weeks we are implementing making automated trades on Forex currency pairs using Bitcoin and Ethereum. We could use some feedback on what pairs the community is interested in!

Reports and Taxes Made Easy

  • Implementing other Tax reporting methods for trading including FIFO and weighted average costs.
  • Creating and filing multiple government forms for larger numbers of reported transactions.
  • Final testing and deployment to touch up the application.

Stay Tuned…

For more updates please make sure you are following us on all social media sources below. We wish you all the best and will frequently keep you informed of our progress.




Vega Intelligent Solutions

Experience the Future of Automated Intelligent Business Solutions Powered by A.I. and Machine Learning