Vega Protocol
3 min readOct 14, 2021

Welcome to the third edition of Vega’s new mini-blog series consisting of regular tech updates from the Core Engineering Team. These updates are designed to concisely outline where Vega is at with regard to upcoming releases and will be written by the people responsible for each project.
Catch last week’s update here if you haven’t already — LINK.
Vega release status
Testing has been wrapped up on checkpointing, which was the previous barrier to tagging our release candidate. The fixes are currently being tested, and when the team are happy that the issues have been resolved, version 0.44.0 of the Vega core will be made available to the network validators. 0.44.0 should be tagged soon.
Meanwhile, the fully functional Testnet run by the validators has been stable running the previous release candidate (0.43.3), and the group is in a good place to and prepare to launch a network when the software is made available. It is our expectation that version 0.44.0 will comprise all of the functionality required to support governance, rewards distribution and staking, which makes up the full feature-set for the Restricted Mainnet. In more explicit terms, this release will allow validators to launch the Vega Mainnet (assuming they don’t uncover any new showstopper bugs 🙈).
Sushi LP rewards contract
The rewards went live early last week — to read more about rewards please see our previous [and recently updated] blog post — LINK.
Token claim contract
The new Token Claim Contract, which fixes the frontrunning issue that caused us to halt distribution of Fairground rewards a couple of weeks ago has been deployed to the Ethereum mainnet! 🥳
You can view the contract — LINK or check out the source code
This means that old, unclaimed reward links will no longer work (you’ll receive new ones if you didn’t claim already) and that we can now resume distribution of rewards.
Fairground reward distribution
Now that the new contract is deployed and the reward claim system is operational again (with one or two small gas cost optimisations for good measure) we can proceed to deploy the new reward distribution site.
The new site will massively simplify the process of distributing reward links as it uses a database of recipients along with the “sign in with Twitter” API to allow you to log in and see all your reward links in one place, allowing distribution of any number of rewards simultaneously and avoiding Twitter’s over-zealous anti-abuse algorithms. This will be deployed in the next few days once we’ve confirmed all the pieces work together properly. You can check out the MIT licensed code for the site here, if you’re interested or would find it useful in your own projects.
Thank you for your patience with this process.
We plan to launch more incentivised testnet activities (with a far quicker claim period 😉) really soon — stay tuned!
Blog post updates
We updated the Vega Tokens: Vesting Details and Introducing the Vega Token blog posts to reflect the fact that we now have exact dates for some of the token unlocks so it’s no longer necessary to do the maths yourself.