Is a Tomato a Vegetable or a Fruit? It turns out that tomatoes have so many nutritional benefits

Daily Know More
4 min readDec 3, 2022
Image: Alena Darmel

Do you love tomatoes? In addition to eating raw tomatoes, whether they are made into tomato scrambled eggs, tomato soup or processed into tomato sauce, they are delicious. However, because tomatoes are commonly used in various dishes, many people may have doubts in their hearts: Is tomato a vegetable? Or fruit? In addition, the nutritional value of cooked and raw tomatoes and the role of lycopene are also the focus of public concern. The following will introduce the three major nutritional benefits of tomatoes.

Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit?
According to the principle of classification in botany, fruit is the fruit of a plant, which contains seeds and has the function of reproduction, such as apples, peaches, and other seeded fruits; while vegetables usually refer to the roots, stems and leaves of plants, such as carrots and spinach.

From the perspective of nutrition or cooking, fruits are usually soft and contain high sugar content, so they are often used to match desserts; vegetables are usually bitter, and can be eaten raw or cooked. , Avocado, like tomato, often makes people confused about whether it is a vegetable or a fruit.



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