Velvel Grach Discusses the Current Use and Future Potential of Drones

Velvel Grach
2 min readJul 23, 2019


Velvel Grach is a tech reviewer who enlightens his online readers about consumer products and advances in various tech industries. For years, he’s followed the growth of the consumer drone industry and below discusses how society currently uses them as well as their potential for future use.

Velvel Grach remembers how remote-controlled toy cars were the big consumer craze just two decades ago, allowing children and adults to wirelessly pilot small vehicles as they saw fit. Within the last ten years, remote technology has advanced far enough to allow consumers to invest in a range of flying drone products, which has fueled a growth in tech development. As a result, drones are being implemented more heavily into recreation as well as professional roles (such as package delivery or security).

“Computers have shown to enhance basically all our processes and improve our lives in dramatic ways,” says Velvel Grach. “Drones are slowly doing the same thing under the radar while the consumer market for them continues to expand.”

In no time at all, the consumer aerial drone went from existing only in science fiction and Hollywood films to a major product available in stores across the country. Before this, however, drones were mainly developed for and used in warfare, which later paved the way for manufacturers to market their own versions.

Military drones have been used for years as the unmanned weaponry meant there were no casualties on the pilot’s side as it allowed them to deliver attacks from a safe distance away. In the beginning, drones were largely used for various surveillance needs but were later weaponized and used as remote soldiers in the field.

“As far back as a hundred years ago, ‘drones’ referred to things like unmanned balloons loaded with weapons that were used in war,” says Velvel Grach. “Today we have drones carrying fighter guns that send live visual reports back to remote commanders.”

Drone usage in warfare eventually led to more peaceful applications once the technology was available to consumers and society as a whole. Within the early 2000s, drones began to appear for sale in tech catalogs and chain retailers (such as RadioShack and Sharper Image). From there, the technology was adopted by professionals such as firefighters and surveying teams to accomplish feats humans couldn’t accomplish without extreme risk. Soon, relief forces were using drones to shuttle water and other materials in when battling wildfires. Other industries implemented drones to safely spray pesticides on crops and inspect pipelines without the associated dangers.

Today, drones are used to survey land without requiring people to physically trek through various terrain. Companies like Amazon, UPS, and Walmart currently use drones in package delivery and have a definite plan in the works to make that service available to more customers.

“As we develop stronger, more able devices, I think drones will prove to expedite many processes and improve our everyday lives just as computers have,” says Velvel Grach.



Velvel Grach

News editor, tech reviewer, and professional video gamer who spends most of his waking hours with a computer or gaming console.