Veno Roadmap Update Q2'23

Veno Finance
3 min readMay 3, 2023

Hi Fam,

With over 80 Million CRO staked, Veno is now the premier liquid staking provider for CRO.

It has only been 5 months since Veno saw the light of the world. Since launch, Veno has distributed over 1.87 Million CRO rewards to LCRO holders. And we are expecting this number to continue to grow.

During the whole time we continuously shipped new updates and features. We have released our own token, VNO. Launched the Fountain and Reservoir for VNO holders to participate in the protocol rewards, allowing you to earn VNO and CRO rewards. On top of that we gave you the Garden, enabling you to plant, grow and harvest with LCRO and VNO. We launched LCRO on Tectonic together with the Tectonic Garden, you can supply and borrow LCRO for USDC, USDT and CRO. Additionally you can buy CRO directly on Veno with fiat through our partnership with Transak.

Now the remaining question is, what is next for Veno?

Additional Tokens for Staking

We launched with CRO staking because it is also the native token of Cronos, the chain Veno is running on. However, we are not limited to CRO and always intended to offer more options for liquid staking. We are excited to provide our simple and secure liquid staking for more tokens. Expanding our product offering with new staking tokens will bring new earning opportunities to Veno users. And those of you who have locked your VNO in the reservoir will receive additional rewards from the new tokens.

So keep a lookout on our announcements as we will have more information to share about this in the near future.

One-Click Strategies

When we launched LCRO on Tectonic we asked you what kind of strategies you could come up with for LCRO. We received a lot of great responses and are always looking forward to more feedback and suggestions. With your suggestions in mind, we want everyone to be able to easily earn more from LCRO. Since the inception of Veno we have always been striving to provide the most simple liquid staking solution on the market. Staying true to that we are planning to launch a series of strategies that allow you to earn larger rewards based on your risk appetite.

These strategies will allow you to stake CRO and participate in multiple protocols at once in a single transaction. Saving gas fees and increasing your rewards at the same time.

Veno Stats Dashboard

We want to provide more transparency into the performance of the protocol. Information about staking, unstaking and rewards earned. How much VNO is locked in the Fountain and Reservoir? Which Garden is the most popular? The Veno Stats Dashboard will give you the insight to answer questions like these, and more.

Continuous Improvements in Usability and Utility

Feedback is a gift. We’d love to see or hear any suggestion from you and we are excited when we make the change and ship it to you. We are always striving to keep the user experience simple. And we will continue to make adjustments to the UI wherever necessary to keep Veno simple.

We also heard your demands for LCRO and VNO to be used in more places. We are actively working to expand our partnerships to build more use cases around all of our tokens.

Improved Liquidity & Unstaking experience

One thing that sets Veno apart from other liquid staking protocols is the tokenization of the unstaking position. If you unstake your CRO on Veno you receive an NFTs as a receipt. Our NFTs prevent you from getting locked into holding a position during the unbonding period. Currently, however, this still requires matching buyers with sellers — which can be difficult at times. Hence, we are exploring new ways for NFT holders to cash out early, or if possible even skip the unstaking phase completely.

We have a lot in store for Veno and we are excited to share more with you in detail about each of the upcoming features. So stay tuned for more information by joining our Discord, Telegram channel and follow us on Twitter.

