Top Questions To Ask About Electronic Signature Solutions

VeriDoc Sign
3 min readNov 16, 2022


eSignature solutions

Latest technologies like eSignature solutions are slowly becoming the new norm in modern workplaces. Many leading organizations have adopted eSignature solutions to make their work easier, faster, and more productive. Not just that, popular eSignature solutions promise document transparency, some even provide top-notch blockchain security. Still, many organisations are far away from adopting one. Why you might ask? There are many unanswered questions that create confusion among business owners.

In this blog, VeriDoc Sign attempts to answer some of the most vital and popular questions related to electronic signature solutions. So that it becomes easier and more comfortable for you to implement it in your regular work.

Why should we start using electronic signatures at my workplace?

The most attractive benefits that eSignature solutions offer includes document transparency, faster documentation, increased efficiency, better time management, and improved overall productivity. Organisations that have already implemented eSignatures in their work routine, cannot go back to traditional pen & paper signatures anymore. Many organisations have also stated that eSignatures have improved their user experience, help them save money, and have a better environmental impact.

What if my clients are not comfortable with eSignatures?

Fortunately, post-pandemic interactions are way more digital than ever before. Therefore, customers are more comfortable using digital methods of signing and sending documents whenever required. Most customers have very positive experiences with signing electronically today. Many business owners in retail, real estate, financial institutions, educational institutes, and many more have adopted trusted digital changes making customers more easily accustomed to such digital experiences.

Are eSignatures more secure than pen & paper signatures?

Absolutely yes! Many eSignature solutions use advanced blockchain technology to provide the ultimate security to their users. Esignature solutions use robust technologies that are widely accepted in industries with heavy security standards. For example, healthcare, finance, Government offices, and manufacturing units. Esignatures are also harder to forge than any traditional form of signatures. Electronic signatures stored in the blockchain can easily be accessed in case of an audit.

Are electronic signatures legal for agreements that I need to sign & send?

For decades, the use of eSignatures has been widely accepted in countries globally. Under ESIGN Act, both electronic and digital signatures are legally admissible wherever U.S. federal law holds. In places where ESIGN is not applicable, UETA applies at times. Electronically signed documents are legally valid if the contract is stored properly and can be accessed after completion. It is also important that there has been an agreement between the parties, explicitly or privately, to receive information electronically.

Are eSignature solutions affordable?

With the introduction of improved technologies in eSignature solutions, the cost of implementation is reducing significantly. But the most important question here is, is it affordable to pass up the convenience of eSignature solutions in today’s business? No.

Many leading eSignature brands like VeriDoc Sign have introduced affordable subscription plans to suit every need. Plus, many charges per envelope and not per user, which allows unlimited users to access the solution in times of need. This in turn saves money on paper, storage, and manual labor.

In Conclusion,

Modern businesses require a modern approach to achieve success and stay significant. Esignature solutions are one such tool that is here to do all the hard work for you and provide the best user experience.

Hopefully, we at VeriDoc Sign have decreased your doubt about eSignature solutions a bit, and you are ready to adopt one today. Visit today and give our blockchain-secured eSignature solution a try for free!



VeriDoc Sign

VeriDoc Sign is a blockchain-secured eSignature solution that ensures improved productivity, document transparency, and higher efficiency at workplaces.