Global SPY — 3 services that crypto space will be happy to adopt. Community highlights.

2 min readJun 15, 2018


We’ve got to have a way to investigate the backgrounds of an ICO company, the team members, the legality of the ICO and check if the facts stated on the whitepaper and on the one pager are accurate.

And in other side..

Start-ups should be able to check themselves as well as prove that they’re indeed taking this seriously and that they have sincere purposes.

Our main 3 products are:

  1. Global SPY platform
  2. ICO Verification Program
  3. ICO Verification Program divided into pieces.

1.The platform.

We are going to use Smart contracts and blockchain to create a platform with which our present and future customers can sell the purchased company investigations to others wanting the same report. We are creating a platform where you can search for pre-made company investigation in different industries or you can have them made by us and leave them for sale to others wanting the same report.

2. ICO Verification program.

ICO Verification Program works in a way that the investor or the company itself orders an investigation from us. After that we’ll perform a KYC for them, check the accuracy of the stated history of the team members, the company documents and the legality of the ICO. We also carefully go through the White paper and check the accuracy of its content.

As soon as all of this has been checked and everything’s exactly as its stated, they will get the Badge for their use. After this all, the investors will see a colored mark in the browser’s left corner, after installation of the browser extension.

We use a robot (page mirroring) to investigated ensure that company do not change the documents or pages after investments.

Sold over $160.000 USD in first 14 weeks and growing.

3.ICO Verification Program divided into pieces.

All the same research topics as in ico verification but sold individually and each one have own certification.

Cheaper, just $60 to $350 usd each person/company

Sold hundreds in first 2 weeks.

Global SPY website:

Global SPY Whitepaper:

Telegram Group:




Verifer is global investigator platform for cryptocurrency.