Horny for the Fourth of July

Veritie Strange
15 min readJul 4, 2024


It was the Fourth of July, and by some series of wacky situations Hannah had found herself in New York City: The Big Apple, The City That Never Sleeps, The Used Condom Capital of the World. She of course had no particular interest in visiting New York City, the Fourth of July, nor the 111-foot green woman standing in front of her.

She had hoped that visiting Liberty Island might cure her indifference to the former two, but so far was finding the experience unremarkable. Sure the Statue of Liberty was impressive, perhaps a bit smaller than they make it look in the movies, but still a remarkable feat of engineering with a strong stern face that she did not find unappealing; rather she was finding her reaction to be unremarkable. Standing in front of the Statue of Liberty was supposed to be the kind of thing that filled you with pride, she was supposed to be wiping a single tear from her eye while hope swelled within her at the promise that anyone’s dreams can come true in America. Unfortunately, the previous years had made it abundantly clear that things only get worse and worse. She pulled out her phone and checked the time, maybe if she left right now she could still have something swell up inside her tonight. It seemed like she wasn’t the only one having that idea as the crowd grew thicker and thicker as she approached the ferry port (which she immediately noted as an excellent new euphemism for her asshole) or maybe it was the changing weather.

Hannah had been so preoccupied with her own ennui, that she’d failed to notice the gathering clouds and steadily increasing winds. It was the sort of thing that might have seemed ominous in a poorly-written short story, but only a minor annoyance to the real Hannah in the real world, who had unfortunately decided not to bring a jacket. Just as she was fantasizing about walking into a bar soaking wet, her stiffened nipples poking through her sopping wet tank top, in desperate need of someone to warm her up, there was a bright flash of light out the corner of her eye. She immediately realized that it was the statue being struck by lightning, the tour guide had mentioned that it was something that happened hundreds of times a year, but despite the statistical mundanity of the event, she was still a bit disappointed to have been so close and missed it. However, what she did see was something significantly more unlikely.

As she watched, the statue began to sway wildly, looking like it was about to fall over. Hannah joined the throngs of people in holding up her phone to document the event, everyone watching vicariously through their tiny screens. The torch and tablet tumbled from the statue’s hands and crashed to the ground, with an acceptable number of civilian casualties, but just when it seemed the entire thing was going to collapse, she instead began climbing down from her pedestal. Hanna was in shock and awe of the sight. She leaned over towards the tour guide who was standing beside her, “She’s… she’s not supposed to do that, right?” the tour guide was silent, mouth agape with her eyes fixed on the statue. Hannah took that to mean “No.”

The crowd parted as the statue walked the short distance to the shore and descended into the Hudson, making her way towards Manhattan. Everyone was surprised, to say the least, and as they all watched her wade through the water conversation quickly turned to which side of the political spectrum had angered the statue so much that she was not seeking revenge, conversation that quickly turned to debate, then arguing, then incoherent screaming as most political discourse had since 2016. Hannah on the other hand, now that the shock had worn off, was wondering if this was going to affect the ferry schedule, because she was starting to get cold and did want to get to the bars before all the hottest people paired up and took off.

Suddenly, well not that suddenly, an old man in a wheelchair rolled up to her, “You there, young woman, we must stop the statue before she hurts anybody, you look like someone with a strong sense of justice and honor.”

Hannah looked around to make sure he wasn’t talking to someone else, “Me? No, no, I’m so averse to conflict that I’d rather eat something I hate than tell someone they got my order wrong. Definitely not the ‘stop the rampaging animated statue’ type.” She looked in the other direction, just hoping that the conversation would just end there, but then let out a loud screech as a sudden stabbing pain in her leg. She looked down to see a large dart sticking out of her thigh, and then up to see the old man holding something that looked very much like it might be capable of shooting a large dart into someone’s thigh. She very quickly put the metaphysical two and two together, “The fuck, dude?” She was just about to launch into a much more detailed explanation of just how dissatisfied she was with the situation when she was overcome with a burning sensation starting in her leg, then coursing through her entire body. She fell to her knees and began gasping for air, her vision was spinning as she gasped for air, her clothes feeling tighter and tighter, a feeling that was proven to be true as the seams of her jeans began to burst open, followed soon by her tank top and panties. That old man, she thought, he must have hit me with some kind of clothes-shrinking ray like in that Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic I read last week. However, as her head and vision began to clear three things became apparent: a dart would not reasonably shrink her clothes, meaning that for her clothes to rip off like that she must have gotten larger, and now she was also very naked and everyone was staring at her.

She looked down at the old man, who was now tiny compared to her massive size. “Oh sorry,” he shouted, barely audible to her now giant ears, “Well, as long as you’re large now you might as well stop the stature.”

That bastard, she thought, Weaponizing my own aversion to conflict to make me take part in an epic holiday-themed battle! I’m going to leave him such a negative Yelp review. She reluctantly rose to her feet, now feeling the full extent of the chilly weather on her bare skin. She could just barely make out the gasps, but could definitely see more than a few camera flashes. “What’s wrong,” she shouted at the tiny people, “Haven’t you ever seen a girl with a dick before.” she immediately felt bad for assuming the worst, they were probably gawking at the fact that she was now over 100 feet tall, not her dick. Although she couldn’t hope but hope that some of them were gawking at her dick. After all, what’s the good in having a 10-foot dick if nobody’s going to gawk at it. She once again found herself getting lost in a strange fantasy of the tiny people riding her cock like a fleshy banana boat, a fantasy that really started to fall about once she began considering the practicality of it. Eventually she snapped out of it and realized she better get the story moving before the reader lost interest.

She dipped her toe into the river and shivered, briefly considering just giving up the whole endeavor, but by now people were cheering her on and she didn’t want to disappoint them. She reluctantly lowered herself into the water, wincing first as the cold water traveled up her body, and again as her feet touched the soft slimy bottom, and slowly trudging towards the city.

After a very unpleasant stroll, she finally reached the other side. Remembering the cold water she reached down and gave herself a few tugs, if everyone was going to be looking at her dick, she was going to make sure the girl was looking good. Once she was confident that her length would not be underestimated, she hoisted herself up on shore, trying very hard not to consider all the horrid things, both natural and man-made, that she had just been soaking in. It was at that point he realized that she hadn’t actually thought this far ahead. She briefly considered asking someone if they’d seen a rampaging symbol of American hope and diversity come by, when she noticed a somewhat obvious in retrospect trail of burning rubble that likely indicated the direction she’d gone.

She took off at a relaxed pace, no point in tiring herself out before the actual battle. As she followed the trail of destruction her mind once again wandered to thoughts of the people watching her enormous jiggling breasts and swaying cock as she passed by their windows. She imagined them rubbing themselves as they watched, trying desperately to work out the logistics of how they could fuck someone so large and majestic. She was so wrapped up in the idea that she was already sailing at half-mast by the time she spotted the statue. Lady Liberty took no notice of her, instead focusing on the destruction until Hannah put a firm hand on her shoulder, causing the statue to spin around and take a swing at Hannah.

It was at this point that Hannah had the unfortunate realization that she had absolutely to training or experience in any form of combat. As such, she found herself easily knocked to the ground. Once she’d regained her composure she got right back up and charged the statue again, fueled by the greatest motivation of all: not wanting to look bad in front of people she might want to fuck. The two gigantic women locked hands and eyes in a test of strength and will. Hannah was actually starting to feel a little proud of herself, in the big city, naked, 100 feet tall, holding her own against an animated statue, it was just like she’d always imagined. As the two struggled for dominance, Lady Liberty’s robe began to slip, and Hannah began catching glimpses of a literal statuesque body underneath. She had never considered the possibility that there was anything under those robes, and the revelation that there was an entire body underneath was distracting enough to give the statue the upper hand. As the Statue of Liberty forced her downward she found herself face-to-tits with the icon. She wondered if this was a byproduct of whatever brought the statue to like, the didn’t seem cold and ridged, but as warm and soft as any set she’d seen before. Of course, this was in no way helping with the fight as she suddenly found much needed blood being diverted elsewhere. She looked up at Lady Liberty, who now had a smug smile creeping across her lips, Hannah hoped it was just from the satisfaction of having the upper hand, and not from noticing that she was not sporting a very obvious erection.

Of the many many things she had failed to consider about this encounter, perhaps the most important was that despite being on even ground in terms of size, the Statue of Liberty did still have the distinct advantage of being a magically animated statue, which definitely seemed to come with more strength than being an average woman who had been meaning to join a gym but just hadn’t gotten around to it. The statue’s hands tightened on her, pushing her lower and lower. Soon she was on her knees, her back pushed against a building. Unexpected Lady Liberty released her grip, giving Hannah the opportunity to spring to her feet and make a tactical retreat… in her head at least. In reality, she was already too sore and tired to even attempt such an action, and hadn’t even begun to catch her breath when she saw what Liberty had in store for her.

A cloud of dust rose as the statue’s robes clamored to the ground, revealing a fit muscular frame, perfect breasts, and a cock that challenged her own in both size and readiness. She was trying to comprehend where this was leading when her gasping mouth was filled with a dozen feet of American cock. To her surprise, it felt like any other cock that had worked its way inside her, like warm pulsing flesh rather than cold dead metal. Strong hands grabbed the back of her head as she felt the rod slide down her throat until she found her face pressed up against Liberty’s hips. After a moment she pulled her cock out, then pushed it back in, slowly at first, but quickly escalating into a full-on face-fucking.

Hannah was of course a little surprised by the turn of events. While it was true that whenever she went out she did not exclude the possibility of ending up on her knees with a cock in her throat, this was one particular situation where she’d judged the chances to be slim enough to not mentally prepare for it. A gentle warmth crept over her body as the shaft pumped in and out of her throat, strings of spit dripping from her mouth every time it withdrew falling on her tits, stomach, and cock. Before she even knew what she was doing, she felt her own hand stroking up and down her shaft as the statue continued to treat her throat like a fleshlight. She wanted to fight back, but something inside her said that she was being a very good girl right now and should just see where this was going.

Eventually, Lady Liberty pulled out, leaving Hannah with a sudden feeling of emptiness as she watched the dripping member bob in front of her face. Her every instinct was telling her to lurch forward and put it back where it belonged. But before she had the chance, the statue grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground. As she lay face-down among the debris, she felt the now familiar strong hands grab her hips and pull her up onto her knees. She knew what was coming next, and didn’t have long to wait until she felt the hot wet end of the statue’s cock rubbing against her hole. As the wet head danced around the opening she wanted to scream, Just fuck me already! but found words quite impossible to make at the moment. Then finally she felt it, not slow or gentle, but all at once the statue’s cock filled her asshole. A drop of precum (which at this size was at least a gallon) squeezed from her cock and splashed to the ground as the cock pressed against her insides. True to form, Liberty didn’t waste time and began pointing her ass with all the intensity of someone who hadn’t been laid in 148 years.

Hannah’s eyes rolled back as her asshole stretched to accommodate this not-unwelcome intruder. She wanted desperately to reach back and stroke herself, but every time she moved her arms she found that she had been reduced to a motionless puddle, only good for fucking… suddenly it dawned on her: she wasn’t any good at fighting, but she was good at fucking. She didn’t have to out-fight the statue, all she had to do was out-fuck the statue! Of course, while that course of action was logically sound, it did mean she would have to stop being handled like a mindless sex doll, which she was quite enjoying at the time. She gathered her courage, she had to do this, for America! She planted one hand on the ground, then the other, and with one mighty push lifted herself onto hands and knees. She considered taking a break at that point, enjoy a little more pounding before enacting her clever scheme, but this was not the time for rest, it was the time for action!

She leaned forward and with all her force slammed her ass against Lady Liberty, driving the statue’s cock deep inside her hole. She heard a gasp, the first sound that the statue had made during the entire encounter. That was definitely a good sign, she threw her ass back again and again, disrupting the statue's aggressive rhythm and forcing her to take things at Hannah’s pace. She gripped the rigid shaft with her ass as she slid back and forth, slamming harder and harder against the statue’s hips. Until finally with one mighty strike, she threw her ass back so hard that she knocked the Statue of Liberty over, her cock flopping out with a satisfying “Pop.”

Now was the time to really turn the tables! She sprang to her feet (or more so carefully rose of wobbly worn knees) and turned to her target. Lady Liberty was lying on her back, cock to thy sky, clearly disoriented by the sudden shift in power. There was no time to lose, she once again fell to her knees, making her wish she hadn’t stood in the first palace. And positioned herself between the statue’s legs, aggressively grinding their cocks together, still slick from her previous throat fucking. She grabbed hold with both hands and slid her shaft up and down Lady Liberties. At this point, the statue was writing on the ground, averting her gaze, looking very much like a schoolgirl being fucked properly for the first time. Hannah pulled back and positioned her cock outside the statue’s hole. She’d fucked a lot of asses, but this was by far the most famous and she was starting to get a little nervous about it. She could guess what Liberty was expecting, a counterattack equal to her own, but Hannah had another idea. She pressed her head against the statue’s anus, sending a tremble through her massive body. She pushed in gently, stretching her asshole gently without fully penetrating. She pulled back and pressed in again, watching as Lady Liberty’s body squirmed and cock twitched as she pushed further and further with each stroke, until with one push Liberty’s body opened up and her cock slid gently inside.

The sheepish look in the statue’s eyes told Hannah that she had quite successfully turned the tides of this battle, and for lack of a better term, had now made the Symbol of America het bitch. She began moving her hips, gently and slowly at first, but building speed as she went. She looked down and admired the sight of her own cock sliding in and out of the tight hole as her balls and cock bounced up and down with every stroke. The statue was squirming and moaning in pleasure every time Hanna's cock plunged inside her hole, it looked like she was just about ready.

Hannah shifted her hips for a better angle and with one stroke buried herself balls-deep in the once-tight hole that was opening up more and more to her attack. She slammed her hips against the statue over and over, driving her cock deep inside with every stroke. Liberty’s cock was twitching wildly, Hannah reached down and started stroking. The statue’s cock twitched more and more in her hand, until it erupted with thick strings of cum that splattered all over her fit body and strong face. The site of the cum-splattered figure moaning and squirming in ecstasy was too much and felt her own cock explode, pumping gallons of cum into the Statue of Liberty’s asshole.

Once she was confident that her entire load had been delivered (as was proper etiquette) Hanna pulled out, quite satisfied with the drizzle of cum that dripped out after her. She unsteadily got to her feet and took a few steps before realizing she had no idea where to go. After considering it for a while, she decided to head back to Liberty Island; her clothes were a loss, but maybe her phone and wallet were still there. She took a moment to get her bearing in the midst of her postcoital haze, and took off in what she was pretty sure was the right direction. However, after a single step, she found herself slipping on her own sticky mess and falling face-first into an office building.

Hannah opened her eyes and the world slowly came into focus. Beige walls, beige ceiling, uncomfortable bed, the stench of death, definitely a hospital, which would explain the IV and considerable pain.

A voice caught her attention, “Oh, you’re finally awake.” She looked over to see an older, but not-unattractive nurse fiddling with some equipment.

Hannah was still more than a little woozy, “Why am I… what… what happened?”

The nurse gave her a stern look, “You got drunk and hit your head at a Fourth of July Party.”

That would explain a lot of things, “So I didn’t grow 100 feet tall and creampie the Statue of Liberty in downtown Manhattan?”

“No, you did. Then pissed on the wreckage of Trump Tower while shouting ‘I’m Queen Kong, bitch!’ then shrunk back to normal size, and got invited to a party on the Jersey Shore where you drank sixteen beers and tried to jump into the pool from the roof.”

Hannah considered the story, “Oh… did I make it?” The nurse just stared at her in silence. “I didn’t make it, did I?”

“No honey, you did not.”

Hannah pondered the situation for a moment, “So what happened to the statue? Did she get back to Liberty Island? Did she get dressed first? Do they have any idea why she came to life?”

The nurse just looked at her silently for a moment, “Listen honey, if I sit on your face will you stop asking inconvenient questions?”

Hannah considered the offer, “Yes ma’am, I believe I will.”

Thank you for reading Horny for the Fourth of July, that’s a very strange thing for you to do. For more weird erotica — like, not this weird, but still weird — check out the fine selection of titles I have available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B097GD99JM



Veritie Strange
Veritie Strange

Written by Veritie Strange

Eccentric writer of weird erotica… and sometimes normal erotica if I’m feeling extra kinky. More at https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B097GD99JM

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