Blockchain Paper
23 min readSep 7, 2017


Blackmoon Crypto is part of the Blackmoon Financial Group, a financial technology company founded in 2014. The Blackmoon team has extensive experience in setting up and managing investment funds, as well as developing automated investment interfaces and asset management tools while effectively working with regulatory authorities.

Blackmoon Financial Group is a financial technology and investment management company incorporated in Ireland that has been operational since August 2014, having its roots in venture capital investments in financial technology since 2012.The company is lea d by Oleg Seydak, entrepreneur, financial technology investor, founder of Blackmoon Financial Group, former co-founding partner of Flint Capital; and Ilya Perekopsk , entrepreneur and IT angel-investor, and former vice president and chief commercial officer of Following is a timeline of the company’s history, from the initial vision in 2014 to the new opportunities of today. (See the Leadership Team section later in this document for more details.)


Oleg Seydak has a talent for identifying opportunities for automation among lenders. Through Flint Capital, the venture capital firm that he co-founded, Oleg participated in the pre-IPO buyout investment of LendingClub and the buy-out of Prosper, as well as in investments

in a set of alternative lenders in Europe.

Oleg and his friend Ilya Perekopsky, then vice president at, teamed up to found and

make initial investments in Blackmoon Financial Group. Blackmoon’s first alternative debt fund was incorporated to make fixed-income investments in August 2014.

Company profiles

Flint Capital is an international venture capital fund investing across the US, Israel, and Europe. The fund was founded by Oleg Seydak and Dmitry Smirnov, former managing director and former CEO of the FINAM Global Investment Fund, respectively. is the largest European online social media and social networking service and is ranked 17 (as of June 2017) in Alexa’s global Top 500 Sites.

Lending Club operates an online lending platform that enables borrowers to obtain a loan, and investors to purchase notes backed by payments made on loans. Lending Club is the world’s largest peer-to-peer lending platform.

Prosper Marketplace, America’s first peer-to-peer lending marketplace, enables borrowers to obtain a loan and investors to purchase notes backed by payments made on loans.


Work began on technical development of the automation and machine learning algorithms to process and assess loans issued by alternative lenders in the fiat world.

Blackmoon’s automated platform for institutional-class investment in alternative lenders was created in May 2015 and testing began. The Blackmoon Lending Marketplace platform was launched and the first loan was processed in June 2015. By the end of 2015, Blackmoon had ten full-time employees, four originators, and nine investors on the platform among three different European countries, and had processed $3M in loans after just six months in production.


The Blackmoon Lending Marketplace platform continued to grow in Europe. We expanded our

team to 16 full-time employees, and ended the year with eight originators among seven different European countries, 17 investors on the platform, and $40M in aggregate loan value processed. We made our US debut with demos and a company presentation at LendIt 2016 in San Francisco.


The Blackmoon Lending Marketplace platform processed its first US-based loans as a proof of

concept in the US-based market, entered the Spanish market, and reached $13M in monthly

volumes. Version 2.0 of the Blackmoon Lending Marketplace platform was unveiled at LendIt 2017 in New York. Discussions with other technology and service providers in the US solidified Blackmoon Lending Marketplace platform’s unique competitive positioning of deal automation, third-party monitoring and verification, and transparency. Based on market intelligence, development began on an originator-facing interface.


Blackmoon Financial Group identified an opportunity to leverage internal expertise in setting up

investment products for institutional investors and managing dedicated investment funds. Work

began on creating the first tokenized asset management platform, Blackmoon Crypto Platform, to set up and operate tokenized investment funds with a wide range of investment mandates.


Blackmoon Crypto offers a vision for a new standard for tokenized investment vehicles that will bridge the gap between the fiat* and crypto universes. The Blackmoon Crypto Platform focuses on all the aspects of tokenized investment vehicles, from technology and infrastructure, to legal compliance and corporate structuring. The Blackmoon Crypto Platform will be the one-stop solution for asset managers to create and manage tokenized funds. Blackmoon Crypto is part of the Blackmoon Financial Group, a financial technology company incorporated in Ireland with a solid track record since 2014. We bring investment transparency, globalization, and decentralization to the next level by implementing blockchain technology — all with a commitment to sustainable continuous development in cooperation with financial regulators.

Blackmoon Crypto addresses the main issues of the current tokenized investment vehicles, such as lack of diversification, non-compliance with existing and foreseen regulation, and lack of standardization. Our goal is to become the industry standard and one-stop solution in setting up tokenized funds, regardless of whether such funds invest in the fiat or crypto world. Blackmoon

Crypto will bridge the gap between these two worlds while taking advantage of both.


Best of both worlds

Currently the majority of tokenized investment vehicles are either fully crypto-oriented (invested in cryptocurrencies) or pegged to some tradable asset (such as the US dollar or gold). Each of these approaches is siloed, hindering diversification. Access to fiat investment opportunities provides unprecedented diversification in terms of income sources while retaining all the benefits of the crypto universe, including decentralization, transparency, and exchangeability.

Standardized platform

Setting up the proper investment structure is a costly endeavor. Not all tokenized funds set up a proper structure, which leads to greater regulatory risk. Blackmoon Crypto believes that now is the right time to introduce industry standards for setting up tokenized investment vehicles that can attract investments from private individuals and institutional investors of any kind. This will reduce or remove regulatory risk from investors.


Tokenization of interests in funds (share in profits) provides auditability and transparency to the investment process as well as to the results. This transparency means the investment funds won’t be “black boxes” for the investors, with reporting full of fine print. This much-needed transparency will substantially improve accountability of the investment managers.


Funds’ legal structure will be reviewed and approved by our legal advisors to ensure they are

compliant with existing laws and regulations. As many current investors in tokenized funds are at best in Terra Incognita, this eye toward legal responsibility dramatically decreases legal risks

for the investors. Blackmoon Crypto has vetted the proposed structure with several financial

institutions and has received an indicative approval that it will pass internal procedures, enabling funds to be transferred from and into the crypto world. By sorting out these risks from the beginning, Blackmoon Crypto will improve investor confidence and provide necessary

sustainability of the investment process.

Scalable fund creation

Using the system put in place by Blackmoon Crypto, the Blackmoon Crypto Platform, anyapproved investment manager will be able to set up and run a tokenized investment fund without having to go through the pain and effort of creating the necessary IT and legal infrastructure. This will effectively eliminate the barriers for tokenized fund creation, which will be an important milestone toward bringing the fiat and crypto economies into the same realm.

Bringing in new liquidity and users

We believe that the Blackmoon Crypto Platform is a turnkey solution that will lead to further proliferation of the decentralized economy. Investment managers from the fiat world will be able to easily create compliant tokenized investment funds and offer their existing customers all the benefits of the blockchain that has been a buzzword among investment managers for several years.



• New opportunities to access assets from the fiat world, without leaving the crypto universe.

• Unparalleled diversification opportunities, thanks to low correlation between fiat and crypto assets.

• Access to a wider range of investment opportunities with a lower risk profile to complement and balance existing speculative exposures.


• Higher net return, thanks to the cost-efficient structure of tokenized funds. (For comparison, the setup cost of a structured note is at USD 50,000 to 100,000 plus 2% — 5% of the invested

assets, which is a substantial drag on the net result to investors.)

• Access to new classes of assets thanks to lower barriers for funds set up and administration on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform.

• Exchangeability and anonymity as the inherent features of the tokenized assets. (KYC process is still required upon deposit and withdrawal of fiat currencies.)


The vertical axis ranks the impact on the industry, measured as a magnitude of market size change or other influence on the blockchain universe. The horizontal axis measures the diversification introduced to the crypto world. The more investment options are offered, the more diversity is brought to the ecosystem. New currencies traded, new companies created, and new asset classes used as a source of income increase the diversity of the crypto world and thus efficiency. Along these axes, the quadrants move from the low-impact, low-diversity Scalers, to the high-impact, high-diversity Market movers. THIS CHART SHOWS THAT BLACKMOON CRYPTO PROVIDES INDUSTRY IMPACT WHILE


Specialized players contribute to the overall development of the crypto ecosystem but tend to offer only one option to the users. Scalers exploit existing approaches within already available options inside the crypto ecosystem. Market movers combine high impact to crypto ecosystem development with diversified options to the users. Broadeners use existing solutions to offer a broad range of opportunities to users.


Blackmoon Crypto Platform is a set of technologies, techniques, interfaces, know-how, legal frameworks, and partnerships with banks and other licensed players in the financial market. The resulting platform will allow investment advisors to structure, promote, and maintain tokenized investment funds for their clients. At the base of the structure is the holding company, owned by Blackmoon Financial Group, with a subsidiary management company to manage the funds. The holding company will develop all aspects of the Blackmoon Crypto Platform, as well as work on attracting and evaluatinginvestment advisors, who will establish tokenized funds within the Blackmoon Crypto Platform.

These funds are investment vehicles, each of which is dedicated to executing a particular investment strategy under the management of its investment advisor. The management company, and by extension, the holding company, is responsible for compliance, licensing, partnering with banks, and working with legal advisors. At the moment of Distribution, the holding company will issue Blackmoon Crypto Platform tokens, called BMCs. Holders of BMC tokens will be able to register as Continuous Contributors to the Platform via the Platform’s website. Continuous Contributors will be able to deposit BMCs in a depository wallet linked to their account. Each Continuous Contributor will receive a share of

Fund tokens that operate on the Platform according to the policies specified by particular Funds (please refer to the “Sources of proceeds for Continuous Contributors” section below). To register as a Continuous Contributor the holder of BMC tokens shall choose the role that she/he is willing to execute as a contributor to the Platform. The list of available roles will be publicly available on the website and updated as needed to reflect the current needs of the Platform’s continuous development. One of the main roles will be that of an Investment Advisor. Other roles will be Platform promoters, investment analysts, legal advisors, public auditors, GR advisors, etc. Each role will have specific minimum and maximum amounts of BMCs that can be deposited by a Continuous Contributor while executing such a role. The minimum limit will be mostly applicable to Investment Advisors (please refer to the “Contribution of Investment Advisors” section below).

The majority of roles won’t have a minimum deposit limit. Continuous Contributors will have the right to participate in “members-only” discussions regarding the Platform strategy and development plan. At least once a year or as needed, the Platform will initiate a vote among the Continuous Contributors to gather opinions of the contributing community on strategic development matters. The results of such voting won’t be binding but will be strongly considered by the operational management. Continuous Contributors shall from time to time confirm the execution of their roles on the Platform to keep their status and depository wallets active. The process of the status confirmation will be specified for each role.


Because of current regulatory uncertainty and before additional information is publicly released by the Platform on the matter, green card holders of the United States or citizens or residents (tax or otherwise) of the United States of America or Singapore, or other U.S. or Singapore Person, are not eligible to register as Continuous Contributors therefore preventing transfer of their BMC tokens to a depository wallet to receive proceeds from them. At such time, Blackmoon Crypto will evaluate the currently applicable legal framework and take all required steps to ensure compliance. Continuous Contributors who do not execute their roles or appear to violate the rules applicable for Continuous Contributors (i.e. appear to be a U.S. or Singapore Person) may have their status recalled, depository wallet closed, and their deposited BMCs will be transferred to the holder’s personal wallet without accruing any proceeds.

It is important to note that Continuous Contributors will receive a distribution of Funds’ tokens from the first Fund created on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform without having to wait for the company to reach breakeven. These proceeds will be in the form of tokens of respective Funds, not crypto or fiat currencies, and conversion of these tokens into other classes of assets, including currencies, will be subject to memorandum of the particular Fund and applicable regulations.

The holding company will hold back some BMCs as a reserve. This reserve is the source of the holding company’s income after the initial distribution of BMCs to fund continuous development. The holding company will be qualified as a Continuous Contributor and will deposit its BMCs on a depository wallet linked to its holder’s account.


The Blackmoon Crypto Tokens, BMCs, provide proceeds to Continuous Contributors who deposited BMCs in depository wallets as follows:Structuring and promotion fee 0–10% from the amount of the issued fund tokens. On average 2.5%

Maintenance fee

This can differ from one fund to another, but on average it may be equal to 0.5% per annum paid daily in fund tokens via a smart contract.

Transaction fee

This fee occurs upon transferring fund tokens from one wallet to another in the amount of 0.25% from the token amount paid in fund tokens via the smart contract. Continuous Contributors can hold their BMC tokens in special depository wallets linked to their accounts to receive their share of proceeds in proportion to the amount of BMCs deposited by the Continuous Contributor to the total amount of deposited BMCs. Only BMCs held in such a manner receive the proceeds. This is to discourage transferring of the proceeds to exchanges, holders that do not contribute to the Platform in operational manner, or other unrelated parties. Tokens stored on exchanges or transferred to other wallets cannot receive proceeds. Owners can withdraw BMCs from the depository wallets and sell them to other parties at any time subject to applicable regulations in the jurisdictions of the purchaser and the seller.


Investment advisors working with the Blackmoon Crypto Platform will earn income as follows Management fee. The management fee may average 2% per annum paid daily. Performance (or success) fee. The performance fee shall be paid either monthly or quarterly or yearly or upon exit from investment based on the fund distribution policy, and will be on average 20% from the fund’s performance. Calculation of the fund’s performance shall be audited and published on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform and can not be different from the one that is used for income distribution among holders of the fund’s tokens.


To be qualified as an investment advisor on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform, an asset manager must (a) contribute to the company and (b) hold a specified number of BMC tokens in a depository account. The amounts of the contribution and deposit will be case specific, but generally vary from 10,000 to 1,000,000 BMCs. This increases the level of partnership responsibility for the investment advisor on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform and is the final step of the qualification process. Another benefit of this level of participation and partnership with the investment advisors is that it forms a foundation for future self-regulation of the system.


The fund structure can differ from one case to another. While it will evolve as new data becomes available, it will be overseen by a reputable legal counsel and summaries of such reviews will be published.

Fully compliant with applicable laws, each investment fund will be incorporated as a Limited

Partnership or another form as is suitable for the specific case (Limited Partnerships are the most widely used structure for investment vehicles).

The fund tokenizer in Singapore will be the only limited partner of the fund. This tokenizer

performs distribution of the fund tokens to attract fiat and/or crypto-currencies, then the

proceeds are transferred to the fund to provide capital for future investments. All fund transfers

will be transparent and their tokens will be continuously tradable to provide investors with

necessary liquidity, subject to any applicable legal restrictions in specific jurisdictions, such as the United States and Singapore. An example of this process is shown in Figure 4 below.


Another important function of the Blackmoon Crypto Platform is the regular distribution of fund income to the fund token holders. This process is shown in Figure 5 below and is described as follows:

25% of the proceeds are reinvested to multiply the return to the investors via compound interest

25% of the proceeds are paid to the investment advisor in form of a performance fee

50% of the proceeds are distributed among the fund’s token holders via a buy-back process. In this way, distribution of income provides liquidity of the fund’s tokens. Bought-out tokens are burned so that income will continue to increase for the remaining fund tokens


The Blackmoon Crypto Platform applies blockchain technology to create, manage, and govern tokenized investment vehicles and the platform itself. The platform operates on

Ethereum-based smart-contracts.


Blackmoon Crypto Platform technology has a two-level infrastructure:


• BMC tokens to receive income from Blackmoon Crypto Platform.

• Funds’ tokens that relate to the

investment activities of the respective funds.


• Asset Proxy

• Exchange

• Asset Interface

• Others

This combination of tokens and tools allows the investment process to remain flexible to accommodate the wide diversity of the funds with various investment mandates and structures

that are available on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform.


The Blackmoon Crypto Platform base contract covers base roles (Contract Owner, Team member, Advisor, Holder) and interfaces to Asset Proxies, Exchanges, BMC token and Fund Tokens.

The platform contract holds the deposit wallets’ logic based on Asset Proxies. Each Asset Proxy is an ERC20–compatible contract and implements an interface between the depository Platform Wallet with income, and external addresses such as exchanges or ETH wallets.


BMC tokens are implemented as token-as-a-currency instruments and receive proceeds from the Blackmoon Crypto Platform by Continuous Contributors. BMC tokens are connected to the platform via the platform Asset and Asset Proxy interfaces. Blackmoon Crypto will mint BMC tokens as a one-off activity during the Distribution process. No additional issuance is possible.


The Fund Tokens contract is made up of specific contracts that govern the fund structure, fees, and assets. It is implemented as a token–as–a–currency instrument and receives distributions from the corresponding fund’s capital appreciation. Each contract connects and interacts with the platform via the asset interface.


Contract Owner (BMC Owner), holder, advisor

Holder’s fees

Structuring fee: once

Promotion fee: once

Maintenance fee: daily based on annual %%

Transaction fee: per each transaction based on the rule applicable to the Fund token

Advisor’s income

Management fee: daily based on annual %%

Performance/success fee: monthly/quarterly/

yearly based on BMC Platform FT related rule


Platform exchanges hold the exchange rates (BMC-ETH, for example) and provide holders with the ability to transfer their BMC tokens from the platform. Platform exchanges support major cryptocurrencies, such as BTC and ETH. Other types of tokens as well as compatibility with fiat currencies will be added.


Blackmoon Crypto will offer two main products, aimed toward two types of users. The Fund Issuer Administrative Tool is designed for investment advisors and asset managers; and the Token Holder’s Analytical Interface is designed for fund investors.


This tool is the comprehensive fund management system that acts as a one-stop solution. It covers all the aspects of running the tokenized investment vehicle and provides the investment advisor or asset manager with access to the Blackmoon Crypto Platform IT and legal infrastructure. This system enables the investment manager to:

• Pick and order the legal structure of the fund, including the incorporation of the investment

vehicle, opening up the bank account, and more.

• Determine the structure of the smart contract for the fund’s token, including income distribution and redemption methods.

• Perform the distribution of the Fund tokens.

• Track and report investment results.

• Distribute income between the token holders.

• Upload necessary documents, reports, and other related data.

This tool allows investment advisors and asset managers to focus on managing the investment for the benefit of the token holders while Blackmoon Crypto takes care of all the rest.


The Fund Issuer Administrative Tool and the Token Holder’s Analytical Interface are only the tip of an iceberg visible to end users. Behind the scenes is all the development of the technology and smart contracts, API integrations with the financial institutions, clearing operations, reporting, and intensive work on the legal track. Please refer to the Roadmap section below for more information.

You can get a more detailed look at this tool in our demo here:

using the following login credentials:


Password: showmemore


The Blackmoon Investment Interface provides tools for investment portfolio structuring and management as well as a holistic view of the available investment opportunities and the fund’s historical and current investment performance. The interface allows the investor to:

• Analyze and pick investment opportunities from the list of options that are available on the Blackmoon Crypto Platform.

• Structure the investment portfolio and allocate capital to desired assets.

• Track the portfolio performance.

• Drill down to get the decomposition and verify the investment results.

• Submit tokens for buyback to participate in the distribution of the fund’s income.

• Download reports and export necessary analytical data.

This investment interface will be based on the institutional grade investment interfaces created


Development of the Blackmoon Crypto Platform consists of two tracks: technology development and legal and licensing development.

The technology development track is dedicated to creating not only the smart contracts for Blackmoon Crypto and its funds, but also all the necessary infrastructure for fund administration, reporting, analysis, and integration with banks and brokers. Thanks to the extensive experience of the Blackmoon team in the development of investment management interfaces and setting up API connections with lending companies, these tasks rest on a solid foundation of expertise.

On the legal and licensing track, Blackmoon legal and executive teams will focus their efforts on setting up a fully transparent, licensed where necessary and auditable investment structure, making sure that the envisioned structure is fully compliant with regulations. To do this,

Blackmoon will perform in-house research as well as contract with reputable legal firms. As the US is the biggest financial market, Blackmoon will put emphasis on licensing and structuring for the selling of tokens in the US.

JAN. 2018

Token distribution of the first Fund: High yield fixed fiat

APRIL 2018

Release of the Fund administrative system

SEP. 2018

Receiving of the Fund managing and broker-dealer licenses to work with unaccredited fiat investors

JAN. 2019

Start of the tokens sale in the US

SEP. 2017

Distribution of Blackmoon Crypto Platform Tokens

MARCH 2018

Token distribution of the second Fund: Low risk fixed fiat income. Application for a license in EU

MAY 2018

Application for a license in the US

DEC. 2018

Broker-dealer license in the US



• The launch of Blackmoon Crypto and the corresponding BMC token creation process are

organized around smart contracts running on Ethereum.

• The BMC Distribution process will begin on September 12, 2017 at 01:00 pm UTC (the

“Distribution Starting Date”).

• Instructions on how contributors can participate will be made available closer to the

Distribution Starting Date.

• Participants willing to contribute to and support the development of the Blackmoon Crypto

Platform can do so by sending ETH or other major cryptocurrencies to the designated address.

• Details on participation using fiat currencies will be published shortly. You also can request

information on participation using fiat currencies by emailing at

• By submitting the contribution, participants are requesting to receive BMC tokens at the BMC

price (please refer to the section below).

• The Distribution Period will run for a period of 30 days, or until the cap on fundraising will be

reached, whatever appears earlier.

• BMCs received by contributors will be transferrable 7 days after the end of the Distribution


• Blackmoon Crypto Pte. LTD, Singapore (the “Company”) controls the contract and the address to which gathered ether will be sent (implemented as a multisig address).


All available BMC will be issued during the Distribution period. This will be a one-time operation

and no additional issuance is available for BMC tokens. The total number of BMC to be issued will be calculated at the end of the Distribution Period according to the formula: amount of BMC sold during the Distribution multiplied by 2.

50% of the BMCs will be allocated to the public contributors who participated in the Distribution

process including bonuses provided to contributors during the promo campaign.

30% of the BMCs will be allocated to the Company reserve and locked for a minimum of 36 months. This reserve is a source of the Company’s income after the Distribution Period and can be allocated only partially and only among direct contributors and the core team if necessary, and not earlier than 36 months. This reserve is a necessary foundation for sustainable future development of the Blackmoon Crypto Platform.

20% of the BMCs will be allocated to the founding Blackmoon Crypto team and advisors, locked in a smart contract with a 24-month vesting period, and six-month cliff. These BMCs won’t be immediately tradable and will secure the core team members by ensuring their motivation

after the Distribution Period. Some BMCs from this pool (but not more than 5% of all BMCs) will be allocated to non-operational advisors and will be locked with a six-month cliff without

vesting. Up to 3% will go to subcontractors and bounty campaign members without vesting


BMC price is nominated in USD and specified as follows:

• At pre-order and during the first 48 hours of the Distribution Period the price of one BMC token will be $1.00.

• From 3rd to 7th day (both including) of the Distribution the price of one BMC will be $1.05.

• After the 7th day of the Distribution until the Distribution End Date the price of one BMC will be $1.10.


The cap on funds raised at the Distribution will be publicly announced 24 hours before the Distribution Starting Date based on the market situation and pre-order demand.


30% of the proceeds from BMC Distribution within the Distribution Period will be reserved for a guaranteed buyback of BMC tokens at 80% of the Distribution Rate nominated in USD. The reserve will be stored in the form of a differentiated portfolio of major cryptocurrencies. Information on the structure of the reserve and its status will be publicly available. The facility will last for 24 months. After that, the funds are returned back to the company. All purchased tokens, if any, become the property of the company.


We estimate the total cost for Blackmoon Crypto Platform development to be about USD 33.5M over the next five years. This amount will be covered by the proceeds from the Distribution of BMCs and the income from the retained BMC tokens, since these tokens will receive part of the revenue of the Platform.

The diagram shown below shows the cumulative projected costs of Blackmoon Crypto Platform development.




Lead for all operations and key strategic decisions for the company Co-founder of Flint Capital, a venture capital firm that pioneered alternative lending in Europe. Former Managing Director at FINAM Global venture fund



Key contributor in corporate partnerships, managing and promoting relationships with

Investors Former VP and CCO of, the largest European social network



Lead for all IT development projects and personnel CTO for 8 years at Nanosemantics, leading AI

for speech recognition. Played an instrumental role in open-source development, specifically




Lead for crypto development Advisor to a number of crypto projects, the founder and CEO of



Lead for managing cooperation with investment targets, finance personnel and bus. dev.

Former Investment Director at Flint Capital with a focus on alternative lending investments. Holds CFA charter



Leads the Company’s marketing and PR efforts Former Senior Brand Marketing manager for

Coca-Cola and Qiwi electronic payments. Former Head of Marketing Department at


Investor, serial entrepreneur. Member of Board of Directors of Alfa-Bank JSC, Largest Private

Commercial Bank in Russia. Founder and President of KupiVip (Leading online Fashion

Retailer of Luxury brands) and CarPrice — Second largest C2B online used car marketplace that in 2015 raised 40 Million USD in a series B funding round.


Vice President of Major Markets at Veon. Board member of Veon — Sixth largest mobile

operator in the world, with over 235 million customers worldwide (serves 10% of the

world’s population). Veon’s revenue in 2016 exceeded 8.5 Billion USD. Veon capitalization

to this day exceeds 10 Billion USD. Former Vice President of Marketing and Board member of JSC Mobile TeleSystems — Largest mobile operator of Russia and CIS, European

Communications CMO of the year 2016.


Founder & CEO of Waves Platform, one of the most successful crypto companies in the

world so far. Waves Platform ICO raised 16 Million USD (30,000 BTC) in June 2016. Before

Waves and after the emergence of blockchain technology he launched the first instant

cryptocurrency exchange, the first fiat blockchain token CoinoUSD, and the

pioneering tradable cryptocurrency index



Founding director of Bibbsworth Ltd, a company providing advisory services to Institutional asset managers. Executive at Gordian Knot, an FCA regulated asset manager based in London. Nick has been focused on the asset management industry for over 25 years, covering many of the world’s largest asset managers, hedge funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds. Nick started his career at JPMorgan, and has held senior roles as Managing Director in sales and

coverage at Morgan Stanley, BNP Paribas and HSBC.


This statistic presents the blockchain technology usage opportunities among financial institutions worldwide in 2016. The results of the survey revealed that 23 percent of the surveyed financial companies were planning to use blockchain for securities cleaning and settlement.

Blockchain technology usage opportunities among financial institutions worldwide in 2016


Financial technology aka FinTech is a mainstay in the blockchain space. What Blackmoon Crypto proposes is indeed quite interesting, especially with a proven track record.

The challenge is that they, of course, are not the proverbial new kid on the block and past performance does not guarantee future gains.

The project has an experienced and seasoned team. The question as to whether or not they can execute on all their projections and roadmap milestones is still an unknown.

Hedge fund management, as I have mentioned earlier, is nothing new.

Probably the uniqueness of Blackmoon Crypto is how well they can be the bridge between the fiat sector and the crypto sector.




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