Quick tip: Analysing Stock Tick Data in SingleStoreDB using LangChain and OpenAI’s Whisper

Akmal Chaudhri
7 min readSep 13, 2023

Talk to SingleStoreDB about stock tick data


The stock data used in this article is entirely fictitious. It is purely for demo purposes. Please do not use this data for making any financial decisions.


This article will show how to connect a Kafka broker, streaming example stock tick data, to SingleStoreDB. We’ll then query the data using English sentences through LangChain, which provides a basic question-and-answer capability for the tick data. We’ll build a Python application, through several design iterations, to use OpenAI’s Whisper to ask questions through speech and use speech synthesis to reply.

The notebook file, SQL and Python code are available on GitHub.


The ability to ask questions about a database system using natural language is familiar. However, it has become much easier to implement with modern tools like LangChain and OpenAI’s Whisper. In this article, we’ll see how.

Create a SingleStoreDB Cloud account

A previous article showed the steps to create a free SingleStoreDB Cloud account. We’ll use the following settings:

  • Workspace Group Name: Whisper Demo Group
  • Cloud Provider: AWS
  • Region: US East 1 (N. Virginia)
  • Workspace Name: whisper-demo
  • Size: S-00
  • Settings:
    - None selected

Once the workspace is available, we’ll make a note of our password and host. The host will be available from Whisper Demo Group > Overview > Workspaces > whisper-demo > Connect > SQL IDE > Host. We’ll need this information later for a Python application. We’ll temporarily allow access from anywhere by configuring the firewall under Whisper Demo Group > Firewall.

Create a Database and Tables

From the left navigation pane, we’ll select Develop > SQL Editor to create a timeseries_db database, tick and stock_sentiment tables, as follows:


USE timeseries_db;

symbol VARCHAR(10),
open NUMERIC(18, 2),
high NUMERIC(18, 2),
low NUMERIC(18, 2),
price NUMERIC(18, 2),
volume INT,

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS stock_sentiment (
headline VARCHAR(250),
positive FLOAT,
negative FLOAT,
neutral FLOAT,
url TEXT,
publisher VARCHAR(30),
symbol VARCHAR(10)

Create a Pipeline

Pipelines allow us to create streaming ingest feeds from various sources, such as Kafka, S3 and HDFS, using a single command. With pipelines, we can also perform ETL operations.

For our use case, we’ll create a simple pipeline in SingleStoreDB as follows:

AS LOAD DATA KAFKA 'public-kafka.memcompute.com:9092/stockticker'

We’ll control the rate of data ingestion using the BATCH_INTERVAL. Initially, we’ll set this to 2500 milliseconds.

We’ll configure the pipeline to start from the earliest offset, as follows:


and we’ll test the pipeline before we start running it, as follows:


The output should be similar to the following:

| symbol | ts | open | high | low | price | volume |
| AIV | 2023-09-05 06:47:53 | 44.89 | 44.89 | 44.88 | 44.89 | 719 |

Remember, this is fictitious data

We’ll now start the pipeline:


Load Stock Sentiment Data

We’ll now load the data into the stock_sentiment table. The data are derived from Kaggle. First, we’ll unpack the zip file that contains the SQL file. Next, we’ll load the SQL file into SingleStoreDB Cloud using a MySQL client, as follows:

mysql -u admin -p<password> -h <host> timeseries_db < /path/to/stock_sentiment.sql

The <password> and <host> being replaced with the values we obtained from SingleStoreDB Cloud earlier. The /path/to/ replaced with the actual path to where the SQL file is located.

Load the Notebook

We’ll use the notebook file available on GitHub. From the left navigation pane in SingleStoreDB Cloud, we’ll select Notebooks. In the top right of the web page will be New Notebook with a pulldown that has two options:

  1. New Notebook
  2. Import From File

We’ll select the second option, locate the notebook file we downloaded from GitHub and load it into SingleStoreDB Cloud.

Run the Notebook

We’ll start by selecting the Connection (whisper-demo) and Database (timeseries_db) using the drop-down menus above the notebook.

Analysing Time Series Data

Part 1 of the notebook contains a set of Time Series operations on the data in the tick table. These operations were described in greater detail in a previous article.

LangChain OnlinePDFLoader

Part 2 of the notebook loads the contents of a PDF document and vector embeddings into a table called fintech_docs. These operations were described in greater detail in a previous article. Replace <PDF document URL> with the hyperlink of your chosen FinTech document:

from langchain.document_loaders import OnlinePDFLoader

loader = OnlinePDFLoader("<PDF document URL>")

data = loader.load()

The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) where the PDF file is located must be added to the firewall by selecting the Edit Firewall option in the top right.

We’ll use ChatGPT to answer questions on the PDF file, such as:

"What are the best investment opportunities in Blockchain?"

LangChain SQL Agent

Part 3 of the notebook contains LangChain agent operations on the data in the tick and stock_sentiment tables. This will be the main focus of this article.

First, we’ll install some libraries:

!pip install langchain --quiet
!pip install langchain-openai --quiet
!pip install openai --quiet

Now, we’ll enter our OpenAI API Key:

import os
import getpass

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass.getpass("OpenAI API Key:")

Next, we’ll need some imports:

from langchain_openai import OpenAI
from langchain.agents import create_sql_agent
from langchain_community.agent_toolkits import SQLDatabaseToolkit
from langchain.sql_database import SQLDatabase

We’ll configure the LangChain toolkit and agent, as follows:

db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(connection_url)

llm = OpenAI(temperature = 0, verbose = False)

toolkit = SQLDatabaseToolkit(db = db, llm = llm)

agent_executor = create_sql_agent(
llm = OpenAI(temperature = 0),
toolkit = toolkit,
max_iterations = 15,
max_execution_time = 60,
top_k = 3,
verbose = False

We’ll now test the code using an example query, as follows:

"From the tick table, which stock symbol saw the least volatility in share trading in the dataset?",
return_only_outputs = True

Here is some example output:

'The stock symbol with the least volatility in share trading in the dataset is FTR.'

We’ll make this a little more interactive using the following code:

query = input("Please enter your question:")
return_only_outputs = True

We’ll test this with an example query:

Using the symbol A, what is the most positive sentiment in the stock_sentiment table and the current best price for this symbol from the tick table?

Here is some example output:

'The most positive sentiment for symbol A is 0.9576 and the current best price is 46.43.'

To see the chain output, we’ll set verbose to True, as follows:

agent_executor = create_sql_agent(
llm = OpenAI(temperature = 0),
toolkit = toolkit,
max_iterations = 15,
max_execution_time = 60,
top_k = 3,
verbose = True

An example of chain output from another database was shown in a previous article.

Bonus: Build a Visual Python Application

We’ll now build a simple Python application that uses OpenAI’s Whisper to ask questions about the database system. An excellent article inspired this application.

Install the Required Software

For this article, this is the software that was required in a clean install of Ubuntu 22.04.2 running in a VMware Fusion Virtual Machine:

sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo apt install libespeak1
sudo apt install portaudio19-dev
sudo apt install python3-tk
sudo apt install python3-pil python3-pil.imagetk

as well as the following packages:


These can be found in the requirements.txt file on GitHub. Run the file as follows:

pip install -r requirements.txt

openai-whisper may take a while to install.

We’ll need to provide an OpenAI API Key in our environment. For example:

export OPENAI_API_KEY="<OpenAI API Key>"

Replace <OpenAI API Key> with your key.

In each of the following applications, we have the following code:

s2_password = "<password>"
s2_host = "<host>"

We’ll replace <password> and <host> with the values that we saved earlier from SingleStoreDB Cloud.

First Iteration

Let’s start with a simple visual Python application using Tkinter. We’ll also add voice recognition using OpenAI’s Whisper. The application enables up to 20 seconds of recorded speech. It can be run as follows:

python3 record-transcribe.py

Example output is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. First Iteration.
Figure 1. First Iteration.

Second Iteration

In the next iteration, we’ll add an Audio Waveform. We’ll run the program as follows:

python3 record-transcribe-visualise.py

Example output is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Second Iteration.
Figure 2. Second Iteration.

Third Iteration

In the third and final iteration, we’ll remove a text-based response by the application and replace it with speech synthesis. We’ll run the program as follows:

python3 record-transcribe-visualise-speak.py

Example output is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Third Iteration.
Figure 3. Third Iteration.

In the code for all three iterations, we can call the OpenAI Whisper API instead of using the local Whisper installation. To do this, we’d uncomment these lines of code in the transcribe_audio function:

            # transcript = openai.Audio.transcribe(
# model = "whisper-1",
# file = audio_file,
# language = "en"
# )

and comment out this line of code:

            transcript = model.transcribe(filename)

However, calling the OpenAI Whisper API would incur additional costs. The local Whisper installation already provides excellent results.


In this article, we’ve seen that without creating vector embeddings, we’ve been able to access our data quite effectively using LangChain. However, our queries need to be more focused, and we need to understand the database schema before asking questions. Integrating a speech capability enables our applications to be more widely used.



Akmal Chaudhri

I help build global developer communities and raise awareness of technology through presentations and technical writing.