How to open a vault and stake in the Frax Gauge.

4 min readJun 29, 2022


In this tutorial, we will cover how to open an ETH Vault in Vesta to mint VST, and how to stake your VST-FRAX LP in the Frax Gauge. This process will make you eligible to mint the V-Key NFT.

First, navigate to and click on ETH Vault.

Once you’re there, you will be asked to connect your wallet. In this tutorial, we are using the MetaMask wallet. Click the connect button in the top right corner of your browser window as shown below.

You’ll see a pop up like this:

Select MetaMask as indicated, select your account and click next. On the next popup, hit Connect.

Hit Next.
Hit Connect.

Once you are connected, you will be presented with this:

Press the button Open Vault indicated by the red arrow.

On the following page, you’ll be able to specify how much ETH you want to deposit and how many VST you want to mint while creating the vault. Take special note of your liquidation levels (if the price of your collateral asset drops below this price, you will lose your collateral).

Remember, you may acquire a V-Key by minting a minimum of 420 (Silver), 3,600 (Rose Gold), or 10,000 VST (Gold).

Once you are satisfied, click create a vault. This will open a window in your MetaMask wallet where you will be prompted to sign a transaction.

Confirm and wait a few seconds for the transaction to be approved by the network. Once approved, you can go ahead and refresh the page. You should now be presented with this:

Congratulations. You have now opened your first ETH vault with Vesta. Your VST balance should be visible in your MetaMask wallet. In case you don’t see anything there, don’t panic. You may have to tell MetaMask to display it for you.

Open up your MetaMask and click Import tokens.

In the import tokens window, add the VST token address:

Add the token address, symbol & decimal, and click Add Custom Token.

Contract Address: 0x64343594Ab9b56e99087BfA6F2335Db24c2d1F17

Token Symbol: VST

Token Decimal: 18

That being done, let’s now go the VST factory pool on Curve. (link:

In the top bar, select “Deposit.” You will be presented with this page, add your amount of VST and hit “Deposit”. Do not click on “Deposit & stake in gauge”, otherwise, you would not be able to claim your NFT.

Once again, you may be eligible to mint a V-Key by providing a minimum of 420 (Silver), 3,600 (Rose Gold), or 10,000 VST (Gold) to the pool during 7 days. Note that you can only provide VST, there is no need to balance VST and FRAX.

Metamask will then ask you to confirm the transaction; hit “Confirm.”

Hit Confirm

You have now provided liquidity to the Curve Pool. Let’s add your LP tokens to the FRAX Gauge. To do so, go to and select Liquidity Mining.

Choose the VST-FRAX Frax Gauge.

Lock your LP tokens for the desired time, and then click “Approve”. The staking time for the V-Key Program is 7 days.

A Metamask notification will appear; sign it. All you now have to do is to select “Lock”.

Congratulations, you’ve opened a vault and contributed to the Frax Gauge. You are now a confirmed Virgin and will be able to forge your V-Key at the end of July.





Vesta is a Ethereum-based over-collateralized lending protocol.