Hack Some Bitcoin s — TradingView Charting Library XSS Vulnerablity | Victor Zhu

Victor Zhu
3 min readSep 24, 2018


TradingView has popular charting libraries which are used in many online trading platforms for stocks or cryptocurrencies. This vulnerability is a fairly new XSS vulnerability. This vulnerability could bypass Cloudflare or other defense mechanism and cause financial losses due to account request forgery or malicious manipulation. We are going to talk about the vuln and the mitigation.

0x01 Vulnerability and Attack

Since TradingView’s library is widely-used, we can easily find a test target amongst stock exchange or cryptocurrency exchange platforms. Now let’s try to trigger the alert dialog.

After a little bit trying and looking at the code, we have the payload.



Constructed URL


Minimum required set of parameters: [disabledFeatures, enabledFeatures, indicatorsFile]

After all, it turned out to be easy to understand the vulnerability. Let’s look at library.xxxx.js under charting_library/static/bundles/

D ? $.getScript(urlParams.indicatorsFile).done(function() {...})

Looks familiar? I believe that you probably have seen jQuery’s $.getScript$ many times either when programming or digging bugs. So the core code for this function is essentially…

According to the source code, we can dynamically create a script tag and load a remote js file.

Then, why are disabledFeatures and enabledFeatures also needed for the payload? We can tell from the code… that there will be an exception thrown if one of these parameters is not provided.

Therefore, the final payload was the one mentioned before.

0x03 Vuln Impact

As we can see, this is a DOM-based XSS, it means that it can also bypass browsers’ XSS protection. The advantage of DOM-based XSS is that it modifies the DOM “environment” in the victim’s browser used by the original client-side script, which means it won’t even go through the service’s server end for logging purpose or server-side protection.

Furthermore, the domain that this XSS is triggered is not separated from the core domain where sensitive data is contained. So, the exploit is conveniently simple to be extraordinarily malicious. For example, think of using $ directly could steal some sensitive data or do something advanced there.

If someone is experienced in attacking, then he/she knows how to find targets at scale.

0x04 Mitigation

In the file we have seen, /charting_library/static/bundles/library.19c99ed5d0307c67f071.js, hardcode getScript so that it takes no files.

getScript(urlParams.indicatorsFile) –> getScript("")

Victor Zhu

I am a Computer Science & Information Technology student at RPI. I am intrigued by web application security, other cybersecurity topics and software engineering.

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Originally published at zhuzhuuu.com.



Victor Zhu

A Computer Science Student @ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute who is intrigued by Cybersecurity. Favorite sport: Pentesting.