Your Body Hates The Current Body Positivity Movement. Here’s Why.

Your body needs to be taken care of. Give it a reason to love you.

Victoria Valentine
5 min readFeb 19, 2022
February 2021 Cosmopolitan cover “This is healthy” with obese women.

Don’t get me wrong, the body positivity movement had a great purpose until the sneaky human mind poisoned it and introduced its new rules.

Today, the movement becomes an outlet for the mind to let go of the responsibility and blame for neglecting the body.

The mind wants to stay in its comfort zone.

Now the goal of “body-acceptance” becomes “body-indifference”.

It’s time to understand what’s wrong with the current body positivity era.

1st Comforting Thought: Body Positivity Claims Obesity Is Healthy

I agree that every physical body has “shortcomings’’ that simply should be considered the norm due to its development and aging process. The natural body is not a smooth, clear mass without blemishes, stretch marks, or wrinkles. And these “shortcomings’ are not diseases that have direct influences on your health.

However, I don’t agree with creating illusions and trying to persuade each other that obesity is healthy. And that is where trending societal lines are becoming blurred.



Victoria Valentine

European. Artist. Content creator. Inspired writer in #productivity #self_improvement #currentevents. Connect with me: