Never, Ever, Play Eve Online…Or play CCP’s Games. Here’s Why

Video Game Master
4 min readApr 26, 2019


I have long been a player of eve online. I’v always had a passion for space games, personally as a gamer, and professionally as a developer. I have spent almost two decades of my life in this game.

In my time in Eve, I have been parts of various groups ranging from the first entities to build the mighty titan, to other super powers that wield hundreds of them, to others that were just there to “care bear”.

Over the course of the time I have spent in eve, I take breaks. Often I return to World of Warcraft, sometimes I go test out other games. I keep coming back to eve, because there really is no other valid options for the industry for space games, which is one of the reasons I am working on an mmo-sandbox like it.

My Recent Experiences

On my return this time around, I took a different approach to the game and i started a corporation that was dedicated to healing the game, and bettering it. Long ago, it had a good, productive, and supportive community, which has all but been rotted away by bad development positions (on game philosophy) and players that play the game for only one purpose, to cause others to quit.

Such was my recent experience. After two months of playing, I returned to start a high security corporation, a corporation (guild, clan, etc) built in an area of the game for new players and those who were less inclined to be in pvp . I am a pvper at heart, and a null security one at that.

I am constantly longing to return, but my heart was telling me that the game, which i came to play all these years needs help, so i gave up what i like to do in eve, for the purpose of healing it.

The abuse by players and developers

Eve is a game that encourages scamming, abuse, and out right evil action on players. It is in fact, this abuse that sparks articles like this to come into existence.

After two months of building an entity, with around 200 people under my vision supportive of it, we disbanded today. Why you might ask?

A few players did not like my positions as a game designer. Positions that would remove the abusive, and corrosive behavior for the game. The developers are not an out lit to fixing the problem either, because like these players, their hearts are in support of evil action, abuse, and scamming; Not the natural way of the universe, filled with peace, love and mercy.

Would you like to be stuck from playing a game, because every time you leave a station (safe zone which you cannot walk around in) you are instantly killed?

Would you like to be forced not to play a game after paying?

These are the type of issues you will experience in this game.

More abuse from the development team

Then we come to more serious issues, like those of CCP, the developer of eve. CCP is directly causing inflation to the game or allowing it to happen, with both to the real money transactions, and in-game economy.

There is an outcry from the population about the pay to win nature of eve.

Yet the development team rejects to make changes. People are being abused left and right by both players and developers, and yet, no fix.

Its my personal belief that ccp is allowing the inflation, which they caused to happen in the game, in an effort to make more money. I also constantly see them hiding the truth.

Lets take for example are recent blog post by another blogger in which we reported by the blogged that the ceo claimed eve was “growing 10,000 players a week”. Any player of eve knows the game’s population is rapidly declining, So why is a ceo making the claim its growing?

Alts, or alternative characters, which are directly encourage by ccp, but why must we ask is this? The answer is because by spawning event’s like the recent steam “bonus event”, the game obtains massive “alt creation” by the player base currently active in the game.

Does it bring new, unique players to the game? the answer is, if it does, its likely very small, and most of them likely quit (a well known fact admitted by ccp is their retention rates are bad).


And then we have a development team who is the personification of their games mentality, to not only encourage abusive, scamming on people, but to also do it in real life. The ultimate gaming hoax.

One can only ask after all this abuse, years of out cry and uninstalling..

“is the ceo of ccp trying to pull a hoax over on people?”

It would seem so, since he is manipulating population and income rates only to retain the position for just only, if only, for a short time to be immortalized as a ceo-scam artist.

Video Game Master

