That Good Good #1: Stories I am following

Week One: Mildly interesting

Jack Gerundo
2 min readSep 28, 2017

The first week I tweeted about hurricane Irma and the people that were taking advantage of it to steal from people.

I tweeted about this because I found it somewhat interesting that people were capable of stealing from people who just lost everything.

Week Two: The Emmys, an embarrassing night?

This article discussed how some winners didn’t find the fact that so many black actors and actresses won was really that great. These opinions were from black actors and actresses, who thought that this was a long time coming.

I wanted to share this article because it made good points about how even though we are progressing, we still have a ways to go.

Week Three: Bali Eruption Scare.

Okay this has been a topic in multiple areas around the world recently. I have been scared out of my mind about this happening especially with all the natural disasters. I truly believe if these volcanoes and super volcanoes erupt it will be the end for us.

This video touched on the indonesian island of Bali being evacuated due to a possible eruption of Mount Agung. If the volcano were to erupt it would wipe out thousands of homes and entire villages in bali. Which I hope to god doesn’t happen because Bali is very high on my travel list.

Week Four: Hurricane Maria’s Supplies Halted.

This article was all about how devistated Puerto Rico is, and will be for months.

This blew me away because there is only 10% of houses that got through the storm without damages. People are homeless, dont have clean water to drink, and hospitals working at 50% efficiency. And this will all be the case for a projected 6 months minimum.

