Starting Your Linux Sysadmin Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide

5 min readSep 11, 2023

Embarking on a journey as a Linux system administrator (sysadmin) can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. With a multitude of tutorials and advice available, it’s crucial to find a structured path to kickstart your Linux sysadmin journey. In this guide, we will provide you with a clear roadmap to begin your adventure.

Choose Your Distro — Ubuntu Server

To start your Linux sysadmin journey, you’ll need to select a Linux distribution. Ubuntu Server is an excellent choice for beginners and experienced sysadmins alike due to its user-friendly interface, strong community support, and robust features. Visit the official Ubuntu Server website ( and download the latest stable release, which, at the time of this article, is version 22.04.3.

Set Up Your Hardware

Now that you have your chosen Linux distribution, it’s time to set up your hardware environment. You have two options:

a) Use an Old Computer

You don’t need a cutting-edge machine to run a server; even an older 64-bit compatible computer can suffice. So, dust off that old PC or laptop sitting in your attic; it’s perfect for your sysadmin journey.

