Let’s HODL with Emrify

Vikas Singh
10 min readApr 29, 2018



Emrify’s HODL reward stakes timeline, conditions, distribution system, faq and guidelines.

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HODL Rewards: The awesome fine print

HODL rewards are distributed to those token holders who bought the tokens in pre-sale and main sale & do not move any portion of their HIT tokens during subsequent 3,6,9 & 12 months after the token sale closes.

Emrify’s HODL timeline

We’ve discussed the HODL benefits in one of our FAQ , “What happens to the remaining tokens if hard cap is not reached?” , on the site. But we want to bring more clarity to the participating contributors of the sale, so that they can make the most, while taking the journey with Emrify.

Distribution from the HODL pool

The 100% of the HODL pool shall be distributed in this way :

  • For 3 months hodl — we shall distribute 7.5% of the HODL pool as per the contribution in the sale
  • For 6 months hodl — we shall distribute 15% of the HODL pool as per the contribution in the sale
  • For 9 months hodl — we shall distribute 30% of the HODL pool as per the contribution in the sale
  • For 12 months hodl — we shall distribute 47.5% of the HODL pool as per the contribution in the sale

HODL rewards depends when Emrify’s successfully reach the SoftCap. But just for the clarity, we are mentioning all the cases. We can land in one of three cases, when the ICO date ends.

Case A : Soft Cap is not reached

The money shall be returned to the participating contributors as it is whatever they would have submitted during the pre-ICO or during crowd-sale.

Case B : Soft Cap is reached, but Hard Cap is not reached

Here, we shall have three situations:

  1. If the token sold in ICO sale will be more than 200,000,000 HIT, which is 50% of the crowd sale quota, then we shall match the HODL pool with the remaining no of tokens after subtracting our obligations from the crowd-sale quota.
  2. If the tokens sold in the ICO sale will be equal to 200,000,000 HIT, which is 50% of the crowd sale quota, then we shall match the HODL pool with the equal no of tokens after subtracting our obligations.
  3. If the tokens sold in the ICO sale will be less than 200,000,000 HIT, which is 50% of the crowd sale quota, then we shall match the HODL pool with the equal no of tokens after subtracting our obligations. & the remaining, if any, HIT token shall go into the users/contributors growth pool quota.

We shall Airdrop all the tokens, to the contributors who participated in the pre-sale & the crowd-sale and distribute the bounty to the people who worked for making Emrify reach the Soft Cap, within 2 weeks after the ICO finish date.

Note: numbers used below can vary in the final calculations & Emrify is not controlling these numbers in any way whatsoever.

Calculation for case 1 (more than 50% token sold)

The maths of distribution is like this, e.g. :

Total pool for crowd-sale = 400,000,000 HIT

Total HIT sold in pre-sale and main sale = 300,000,000 HIT

We’re left with = 100,000,000 HIT

Distribution of the Maximum bounties = 4,000,000 HIT

Advisors and other rewards = 1,000,000 HIT

Remaining HIT token pool ( call it remaining pool )= 100,000,000 — (4,000,000 + 1,000,000) = 95,000,000 HIT

So, 95 Mil HIT will become the total pool that shall be distributed in the pre-sale and the main sale contributors in the below fashion.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 3 months = 7.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 300,000,000 ) X (7.5 % of 95,000,000) = 23,750 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 3 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 6 months = 15% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 300,000,000 ) X (15 % of 95,000,000) = 47,500 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 6 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 9 months = 30% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 300,000,000 ) X (30 % of 95,000,000) = 95,000 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 9 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 12 months = 47.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 300,000,000 ) X (47.5 % of 95,000,000) = 150,416.67 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 12 months.

Calculation for case 2 (equal to 50% token sold)

The maths of distribution is like this, e.g. :

total pool for crowd-sale = 400,000,000 HIT

Total HIT sold in pre-sale and main sale = 200,000,000 HIT

We’re left with = 200,000,000 HIT

Distribution of the Maximum bounties = 4,000,000 HIT

Advisors and other rewards = 1,000,000 HIT

Remaining HIT token pool ( call it remaining pool )= 195,000,000 HIT

So, 195 Mil HIT will become the total pool that shall be distributed in the pre-sale and the main sale contributors in the below fashion.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 3 months = 7.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 200,000,000 ) X (7.5 % of 195,000,000) = 73,125 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 3 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 6 months = 15% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 200,000,000 ) X (15 % of 195,000,000) = 146,250 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 6 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 9 months = 30% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 200,000,000 ) X (30 % of 195,000,000) = 292,500 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 9 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 12 months = 47.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 200,000,000 ) X (47.5 % of 195,000,000) = 463,125 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 12 months.

Calculation for case 3 (less than 50% token sold)

The maths of distribution is like this, e.g. :

Total pool for crowd-sale = 400,000,000 HIT

Total HIT sold in pre-sale and main sale = 150,000,000 HIT

We’re left with = 250,000,000 HIT

This is different now. We shall match the remaining pool with the HIT token sold in the crowd-sale and remaining shall go in the user/contributors growth pool.

HODL pool = 150,000,000 HIT

Distribution of the Maximum bounties = 4,000,000 HIT

Advisors and other rewards = 1,000,000 HIT

HIT token goes to user/contributors growth pool = 250,000,000 — (150,000,000 + 4,000,000 + 1,000,000) = 95,000,000 HIT

Remaining HIT token pool ( call it remaining pool )= 150,000,000

So, 95 Mil HIT shall go into the user/contributors growth pool & 150 Mil HIT will become the total HODL pool that shall be distributed in the pre-sale & the main sale contributors in the below fashion.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 3 months = 7.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 150,000,000 ) X (7.5 % of 150,000,000) = 75,000 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 3 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 6 months = 15% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 150,000,000 ) X (15 % of 150,000,000) = 150,000 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 6 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 9 months = 30% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 150,000,000 ) X (30 % of 150,000,000) = 450,000 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 9 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 12 months = 47.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowdsale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 150,000,000 ) X (47.5 % of 150,000,000) = 475,000 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 12 months.

Case 3 : Hard Cap is reached

Now, we shall take 5% of the total tokens from the users/ contributors growth pool, which is 30% of the 1 Billion HIT tokens that is ever going to be. So it shall be 5% of the 30% = 15,000,000 HIT shall be taken out and will be used for the HODL calculation.

Distribution of the Maximum bounties = 4,000,000 HIT

Advisors and other rewards = 1,000,000 HIT

Remaining HIT token pool ( call it remaining pool )= 15,000,000 -( 4,000,000 + 1,000,000) = 10,000,000 HIT

So, 10 Mil HIT will become the total pool that shall be distributed in the pre-sale and the main sale contributors in the below fashion.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 3 months = 7.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowd-sale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 400,000,000 ) X (7.5 % of 10,000,000) = 1,875 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 3 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 6 months = 15% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowdsale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 400,000,000 ) X (15 % of 10,000,000) = 3,750 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 6 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 9 months = 30% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowdsale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 400,000,000 ) X (30 % of 10,000,000) = 7,500 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 9 months.

  • ICO date + 2 Weeks + 12 months = 47.5% HIT tokens from the remaining pool will be taken out and shall be airdropped to you as per the %age of the contribution in the sale.

E.g. if you bought 1,000,000 HIT in pre-sale or crowdsale then you’re liable to get

( 1,000,000 / 400,000,000 ) X (47.5 % of 10,000,000) = 11,875 HIT tokens, if you hodl for 12 months.

The Hodl reward is over and above the token that we shall distribute in the token sale. So, it shall be an added incentive for you, if you hodl the token for the longest period of the time.


When should I purchase tokens in order to qualify for HODL reward stakes?

  • Only tokens purchased in the pre-sale and the normal sale qualify for HODL rewards.
  • All HODL reward stakes will be written into the contracts and distributed 3–6–9–12 months, counting starts two weeks after the main sale closes.

Can I purchase HIT tokens after the pre-sale and main sale to increase my HODL reward stakes?

  • No. HIT tokens purchased after the pre-sale and main sale can not be used to qualify for HODL reward stakes.
  • This is because HODL reward stakes can only be written into the pre-sale and main sale contracts.

What happens to my HODL reward stakes if I move my HIT tokens from the original Ethereum address that I contributed from to a new address?

  • If you move even a small portion of your HIT tokens from the Ethereum address that you contributed from, your HODL reward stakes will be permanently invalidated, with no possibility for recovery.

It is imperative that you contribute from a definitive Ethereum address and HODL 100% of your HIT tokens on that same address to validate your HODL stakes.

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Vikas Singh

CEO @BloqueLabs.com | VP Blockchain @Emrify.com | Ethereum Blockchain Developer | TedX Speaker