And In Us

Vincent Apunike
4 min readDec 19, 2021

Residing in us all is a more cherishable gift of giving and receiving which balances attributes of commonality that spearheads our ability of making better the world as we met it. In us all lies the power to gauge contributions that maximizes our best potentials, help us survive, obliterate obstacles and achieve, progress and live lively. We all have discernment that makes us never to succumb to deceit or give in to manipulations that explore our meekness. In us is a potent visibility of dreams we can make possible. There is no person more powerful than that who is aware. There is no one unstoppable as the type that never gives up, who constantly rises up to meet challenges. When we understand that no one has it all and no one knows it all we can muster the courage to do the things we must do. Time matures us with age, wisdom, and knowledge. I cannot believe that I laugh at things that used to worry me. I realized I have it in me to take back my power, something inherent in everyone, but usually prone to misuse or hijack by those who think the world is a bed of roses. There is no stopping me when I learned and insisted that no one else is responsible for my happiness except myself. As always, I give room for others to think they do.

Every other day I witness stuffs that make me pause and smile a bit. I reckon with time and its usage which presages value. I ponder on the ability of a chicken going home to roost as I also question the final thought of the bigger bird clapping together its wings to rest for the night. I work on my peace of mind before assuaging the fronts and means with which people suggest peace. I note the underlying constant which is energy spent, time wasted or invested, between a prey running to survive and a predator which also runs to survive. I bank on a known assurance that the show must go on. In us is an indeliable mark from our creator which is supreme over any other force man made, superstitious, or superimposed. I understand there is power with countless fronts of control which circulates knowingly and unknowingly amongst us all — inspiring a broken spirit here, making the powerful cry there. In us is the power of God for he made us in his own image and likeness. He is aware of our tribulations. He is aware of the happiness we pursue. She is full of grace.

And in us lie the power to decide to live anyhow we want understanding that what we neglect might set off something pioneering in one aspect, accumulate on another angle, reach fulfilling realization somewhere else. In us as some have proved, lay the ability to connect us to bigger calling of hope and other virtues — a telepathy recognized immediately for some, realized after a while for others, and spread wonderfully for the future. In us lies the ability to overcome challenges, maybe sometimes we gotta believe in something, maybe sometimes we gotta let go, and maybe sometimes we gotta hold on strong.

The recipe that made is unique remains different but in us are similarities that ooze out. This helps us connect as friends. This makes creation of family possible. Without this, the application of influence becomes distorting. In us all is a spring that rejuvenates us making us bounce back stronger. In us is a goodness that makes forgiveness possible. A trait that makes acceptance and learning to live with others socially possible. In us is a flexible tendency to refuse limitations that put us in a box when we know we can do more. Growth becomes an essential development process that brings together all the values which we have accumulated even from undesirable circumstances if not for anything because everything happens for a reason. I always like success stories. There is no place for envy when I could open up my mind, chastisize my spirit, and lift up bars that weigh me down — all towards the attainment of my precious aspirations. In us all is a connection that makes it possible for us to reap the good we sow. I don't care a lot about the judgment of those who want to find me wanting because focusing on mine proves advantageous, they will still have to face their own realities with spent energy and misused time.

