Better Days Ahead

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJul 10, 2021


My better days are ahead. I will realize the significance of every effort I give out to the universe. Believing in my dreams and seeing it come true. My dreams are valid. Your dreams are valid. Our dreams are valid no matter how the society makes us feel. Humans are a culmination of various experiences, choices, and actions that all affect who we are somehow. I look at some of my choices sometimes and don’t blame those who laugh at me. Choosing a low menial job over sitting idle. All I can say is that better days ahead. The universe records everything we do, crosschecks it, catalogues it. Some day the good work and relentlessness I put out will come back as favours and blessings. I want a better paying job and income opportunites that harness and hone my skills to my dreams. I will get it someday. In the meantime I choose action over idleness which is a devil’s workshop. Engaging the body while developing my mind which is the best weapon out there to the fullest development of self. Better days ahead is my proclamation on my life. Dreams come true. The storm is over. Persistence, patience, perspective and believing in myself are virtues we can all cultivate. Doing the best I can while waiting on that opportunity that changes everything. I believe in fate (the bigger picture part of things) and also in the power of the contributions I bring to this fate. My dreams are big. My present means are little but my belief and will to achieve are bigger. Good things don’t come easy and there is no defined path when it comes to attempting things that is a little out of the box. There are precedents, history, influences, inspirations, and whatever we can squeeze out to create our bright futures.

How I keep on going? Because I already see the light at the end of the tunnel. The projection of my mind to images of these better days I see. Looking at my past, while there are reasons to be grateful there are lots of things I don’t like either. Most times I can argue it wasn’t my fault but again that’s exactly what the next person would say. We can’t change that past but we can do the best today hoping on a better tomorrow. I am action-oriented. In my mind 'doing' is like jogging for instance. Now that’s movement. Gathering of momentum. Moving in a direction. Body and mind in-tune so when an opportunity comes which it will it is easier to respond because by then the force of inertia has been overcome. This is just one way of looking at it. Someone else can decide to sit still, reserve energy, and hop on that next opportunity with vigor. I guess it comes down to circumstances. I want the better things in life and that’s what drives me to do everything in my power to make that happen. There is a satisfaction that comes from trying and availing oneself of all the opportunities. I will get a better job, increase my income exponentially, and succeed at my biggest heart desires. I know where I come from sitting around doesn’t make sense to me especially when I know where I am headed needs the development of various aspects of oneself.

Everyday we wake up and perform an activity we are exerting our powerful influences and contributions to the world. It is not always about the present conditions but also a subtle formation of the fruits of our wills which join the shuffling of activities in the world. Act or be acted upon. If wishes were horses we all be on the track right now. So I write down my goals and start chiseling at it believing strongly it is affecting something positive somewhere to my favor and one day it will come around to meet. If I should choose, lazying around wouldn’t be such a bad option. I want to sit around and enjoy but I am more concerned about the future. Makes no sense to not have had it how I would have loved it and do exactly nothing in the present towards the things I desire. If what we do consciously and the things we do without much regards all count I rather be working on the things I can. Sometimes what we see every day and take for granted might have other different manifestations due to ability to redefine.

Old things would pass away. A brand new way of aporoaching things are in the horizon. I am a champion in helping to connect this change. Through powerful thoughts, working on my dreams, and developing myself. Better days are ahead. I will realize every good thing I so desire even though I don't know exactly how it will play out.

