Climate Change, Clean Energy

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJul 6, 2022


The other day, I had a conversation with someone who kept talking about expanding the economy through exploitation of a certain natural resource. I noticed that this person may not know that some resources are renewable while others are non-renewable. Energy is important for different processes both domestic and commercial, but the effects of wastes like CO2 on the climate is of global concern.

A lot of people have heard about global warming and climate change, but they do not understand the various factors involved. They do not understand how they can help as individuals. They may have heard about the objectives set in the Paris Accord, but they assume they are just political agendas set by different countries. What I realized is that the through technological advancements, we are able to better monitor our planet, but the necessary changes needed to protect it requires even more innovative ways of living and going about our businesses.

During the conversation I mentioned earlier, we shared different ideas. Tourism is even generating more revenue than the plans he stipulated using non renewable resources. Human population is increasing more than the availability of some resources that is why increased interests in recycling is welcome globally. Better waste management and better planning for product manufacturing from the start through the lifecycle of that product are ways the effects of global warming can be mitigated.

While I am glad to see that some big companies have pledged to make changes to their manufacturing processes and many have already started working towards their set objectives, a lot of people are not yet educated on this subject matter. Many school systems still have this curriculum on the peripheral. And it’s not always about what we learn in formal school settings, many other institutions where knowledge can be acquired should be supported so everyone, especially children, would get to understand how different choices as individuals, communities, and larger society affect clean water and the purity of the air we breathe.

A lot of economies have diversified from over dependence on oil into natural gases, wind energy, and solar energy. The fear many people have concern their means of livelihood whenever big changes of such magnitude like energy is proposed. Setting achievable objectives and incrementally taking right steps in the right direction balance the economic implications of needed changes. Innovative investments in clean energy production in the United States initiated from the last two adminstrations and continued through this present adminstration have created jobs and economic growth.

A study mentioned in this article showed that in the long run, neglecting to make required changes is costlier. Humans are the most sentient creatures on earth. We’re the ones that have identified and used resources more than other lifeforms. Modernization has made our lives easier. Tall buildings are built in such a way spaces are maximized. Our factories continually evolve to meet the ingenuity our brains and imaginative minds can fathom. In doing so, we have to consider the future generations. They deserve to inherit a planet that is better, make use of cleaner energy, and have tools to keep advancing. And even rewards from some progressive steps towards the safeguarding of our climate are reaped instantly. There is no reason to stop this momentum of clean energy.

The need to come together, sit around a table, and discuss these implications is pressing. Democracy today thrives on the government doing what they have to do to improve our wellbeing. There are also climate activists who use different skills and tools to promote the discussion about global warming. While collective actions that include the role of governments and big corporations will drastically cut down the emissions of harmful substances, the role of individuals should not be neglected as well.

Why? Consumer choices affect decisions made by various businesses. When individuals decide to patronize certain brands because their personal values are matched by these companies, others adjust their processes to meet up with the competition. Such developments fuel even more innovation. Progress is achieved, we live healthier lives, and our planet is better protected. Also, it is individuals like you and I who make up the human resources of these big corporations and also run for office in different agencies of the government. Therefore no one should be left out in this discussion.

Recycling is one of the most popular process because it maximizes available resources and also reduce waste disposal which harm lands, water, and air. But it’s not the only one. Whatever awareness that brought this process to the cognizance of many people can be used for other ideas like greening. Today, you hear about buildings that can produce the energy they consume. Electric cars and Zero emission vehicles are seizing remarkable market shares in the auto industry. Cleaner fuels like hydrogen is considered for aviation. Innovations that solve immediate and future problems will always advance everyone forward.

Methane produced by some animals can also be checked without neglecting the importance of good diets and simple activities like gardening and the broader implications of animal welfare. Since a change here affects something somewhere else, including various considerations and accepting best fits, will improve quality across different sectors. Not doing anything about this issue should be discouraged and that’s why I chose to write about it today. We should not wait until it gets worse before acting.

