Education Advocate Because

Vincent Apunike
4 min readSep 15, 2021


There is no shame in learning. Hunger for more knowledge shouldn’t be shun at. Learning more to better implement should be encouraged. How it is and what, where and when, the zeal and opportunity, the forbearance and discipline, what we intend to make of it, the difference it makes, are reasons why education would always remain a major theme in the world. I am a proponent for education because it is continuos and fluid in it’s master-learner paradigm. A teacher can learn much from those they instruct. There is always something to learn. Knowledge is infinite. There is always something we are learning or which drifts down to our subconscious, affecting our development and outward character, our belief systems and personality. School comes to mind most times when education is mentioned. It is one of the most important institution in human society dating back centuries. With the advancement of technology and modernity one would doubt the quality of knowledge passed around back then but evidently that persistent stirring of the mind and intellect has always existed whether through written texts, orals, and other forms made possible through culture. Education is powerful. Formal is what almost everyone counts these days but the informal is potent as well because if life is the true test then all other ways of learning cannot be discarded.

My mother was a teacher. I remember sneaking up her classrooms to watch her instruct trying to balance the image I see at her work place and at home. One thing I know is that she truly cared about the profession even through hard times because for her it was more about imparting the knowledge she already had to those that needed it. Teens growing up. Kids. Adults too. Formal education provides structure. In many societies, division of labour is as simple as adults going to work while kids attend school. The classroom dynamics and curriculum. The competition and togetherness. The initial self awareness of a kid who learns one way or the other if maybe they are smart enough or not although life presents its own lessons and tests with larger rooms for improvement, usually grading differently than the maths teacher. I recognize formal education. I stand for it especially the very basic ones where one learns how to read and write so as to be better informed about their vocations. Formal education fills in a void that could be manipulated if care is not taken. There should be a right to learn if there are such places where it doesn’t exist. It should be affordable. I commend programs and opportunities provided for those who seek higher learning for better self development and positive impact in the world. A colleague got a scholarship, good news, things like that. Last year I attended an education fair, it was fun, and it makes me happy that there are some people out there who make efforts to spread spectacular platforms for acquiring knowledge even to those who not immediately priviledged. Formal education is also an instant bridge of cultural assimilation, diversity representation, and creation of opportunities.

Informal education is an idea, at least with the orientation I received, generally reserved for those who cannot afford formal education. I think it encompasses more right now. I am an advocate for making better what is available, creating more opportunities, and making sure whatever served is right and purposeful. I like to recognize another type of informal education which entails the activities we involve ourselves in, the things we listen to or watch, the things we read or don’t, and generally our outlooks in life. This sector of education bears no age limits. It is what I mean by my earlier statement that education is continuos. Here I want to believe life itself is the tutor so everyone is fully involved in it one way or the other. For instance, a news headline, a press release, the latest trending video, something from social media, can have different effects for different people. We can choose to do whatever with what we encounter in our everyday life and this summarizes my take on informal education. We can choose what it is we learn and what to do with it.

When we are instructors, doesn’t matter if it is just for a minute maybe giving advice, using our experiences can be important but we shouldn’t also neglect the experiences of the "student." Why? I found out neglect is an antonymn of education. When we are students, which we all are, we should aspire to learn as much as we can while applying really tight filters. Show me who knows it all. The things we learn when we listen. There are many information floating around, grasping those that affects us and giving something tangible back can help make the future bright. For me, education is a huge part of what I have in mind when I wrote about receiving, exchanges, and giving.

