Equality Is Important

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJan 12, 2022


Love overcomes hate. It is as simple as that. I have written about Equality and spoken out about it so many times that I find writing about it, standing staunch for it, increasingly more important. Each time, I feel like there is another way to pronounce this balance. I believe that with each opportunity I get to deal on this needed way of social integration, maybe some more people will give it a chance and experience a magnificent dimension of life they never knew was possible. Every angle pertaining to equality needs to be illuminated. Till you’re marginalized in one way or the other especially over things you have no control over which also makes it confusing because the reasons are also sometimes what make our existence naturally beautiful and amazing. One of the most satisfying feelings out there must be lending a hand, helping break down barriers, and seeking to understand more instead of looking the other way because per a situation you’re on the other side of a divide. Practicing equality over inequality and bias is one of the realest bliss affordable to mankind. It is peaceful and loving at the most tender level which rejuvenates our heart.

When I watch Geo Wild, enjoying the information about animals I wouldn’t have had access to I also engage in a mental exercise. I think about the evolution of human beings. I have read books and watched films but picturing it mentally is always spectacular. Watching the animals rummage the forest, hunt, and reproduce I try to place the earliest human beings inside that same abode. What really gets me is the fact we are not the biggest, never was, never will be. We are not the strongest physically, but somehow we evolved to be the most prominent. Squint your eyes next time you’re before a mirror or look deeply at the next person you find some semblances to other primates with closer ties to human beings. We evolved due to the intelligence inherent in our brains and we did that fast. We survived as some once powerful animals went into extinction. We built pyramids, skyscrapers, and industries. And yet somewhere I read that the biggest problem that faces human is the primal idea that we always turn on ourselves. I wanted to use fact but let’s leave it at idea because then other points can be considered.

We turn on ourselves, hurt our planet so bad and even as the scientists among us have proposed ways to contain the damage and make improvement, some are still largely unconcerned. I watched a clip backed with science on how our advancement can just crumble if we don’t make amends and it sent chills down my spine. Fortunately, through the Paris Accord and numerous noble activities of climate activists of which each and everyone of us should be a part of, those apocalyptic forecast would never come true. I went back in time to lay some facts down. I used the word ‘hunt’ to show that indeed the survive or perish mentality of the jungle is where we came from originally. But we have come a long way. Stupid wars have been fought and that didn’t always bring the most palatable results. I want to say that most animosity in the society is as a direct and indirect results of inequality.

Don’t get me wrong, equality is not recognizing differences working hard for instance can bring. On the pitch for example some athletes outperform some others because they are more gifted in that area or because they work harder. Apply that to several other industries and endeavors, it becomes true. All fingers are not equal. As humans, we are so diverse that it is not possible for everyone to like the same things or perform with the same efficiency in the same things. It is about discovering where our best potentials lie and maximizing them. The biggest issue being that the opportunities for such discovery and application are not evenly distributed. Oh I know, even natural resources are not geographically distributed equally. Finding the balance that provides equal and reasonable use of what everyone has is our truest call. In our modern society which is thousands of years separated from the picture I painted above, we still witness systemic hurdles placed by another human being to stop another human being from living their best lives. You see it play out in education, work, race and ethnicity, gender orientation, and almost every social interaction. What hurts the most is the blame that comes later. People point fingers at the undesirable outcomes as if they don’t know the root causes of some of the problems, the after effects of inequality. The other time I wrote about the future generations, in a different light and even on a larger scale which seems to create a passive reaction from people not immediately affected, the universe always seeks a balance. The effects might not be direct to you today but who knows tomorrow? Besides for today, have you ever experienced that elevating feeling that comes from making someone else happy, apart from your own interests? There is no dignity higher than according a fellow human being the dignity they deserve.

