God Answers Our Prayers

Vincent Apunike
4 min readDec 2, 2022


We all ought to praise him. I cannot tell you how to worship your God. He is great and powerful. His mercies endures forever. I thank God for life, health, and abundance. I think him for my family and loved ones. For my friends and colleagues and for the challenges that made me steadfast. Oh, what a mighty God. I bless him for the people around me. We get inspired by people we meet in life and the humanity in all of us is Godly.

Why do I start with praises? Is it enough? We pray is it good enough? Do we know how to pray. Teach us how to pray lord. We say Amen in thanks knowing that he answers our prayers. All he wants is praises. When we see the good of others and also in us, we recognize that the world is beautiful. We are at a new month and rounding up the year. I am full of praise. I find confidence showing up here to write. There is no way humanity can progress without each of us contributing. We get angry, I do. Life can sometimes try to make us bitter but we cannot succumb to that.

God answers our prayers. We have to be humble first. I know people who don’t pray but they still worship God. Those who don’t even believe in God meditate which is a common practice amongst all religions. The ability to recognize that there is always something greater, his majesty. Renews every day that’s why many start their days with songs of praise. Faith requires good works. We pray believing that we have what it takes to face our lives and help others.

Count your blessings. Never think that it is by your power. How can? But recognize that you are special just by being you. What does it look like when you are not appreciative? Myself, I gotta sometimes chill and count my blessings. Of course, there are some things that I have to work hard at and how do I know if they are possible if I don’t pray? God answers our prayers because the universe is designed to bless us. That’s why you have to be kind and show empathy.

Many will try to make you feel as if you don’t matter. Sometimes, such inadequacies may come from within you. You may begin to doubt yourself or your neighbor. Life is interesting because it provides us with challenges and since we are so wonderful, the God that created us made us capable to overcome, and become better always.

If you think that okay maybe I am preaching then I don’t know. I never try to impose my opinions on anybody. I know what I bring is valuable and so also is the next person. Women even say they don’t get to talk in some social settings. When making arguments, people say different things and if you can listen you probably learn. Whatever doesn’t always have to be like that but then communication is about exchange of ideas. Even when you pray, aren’t you, um, uh, trying to talk with God?

Some answered prayers, have you seen people close their eyes and cry? Have you seen people hold their hands together and pray. They pray to win. I see that in soccer fields when team members gather to assess knowing that when 2 or 3 are gathered the lord is with us. Do I, understand every doctrine? I am even struggling with mine but I appreciate the differences and humanity involved in supplication to the almighty God and recognizing the needs of others.

Don’t God answer our prayers? He does. People say God is good every day. What is God? When we know that, Captain, we shall be gods ourselves. (Androcles and the Lion by Bernard Shaw.)

Let us praise him. In prayers you appreciate what you have and who you are and the grace for the things you have overcome. You ask for forgiveness of sins and that could be a whole new topic. However you choose to do it, you face yourself and recollect. Nobody is perfect and that’s why we should never give up on ourselves. Just knowing that by chance you could make someone happy. Show love even when you don’t have to, that makes you happy. So we celebrate.

Okay, if I am lying right now, tell me. Is it how you pray when you are happy is that how you pray when you are sad? Either way something bubbles through you and you see God’s greatness. 2022 has been amazing and 2023 will be better I hope. Sometimes I check up on some people and kinda try to mend my wrongdoings to them. It’s not easy but it is possible. Let’s lead with love.

