Good In People

Vincent Apunike
4 min readOct 21, 2021


As human beings we tend to behave according to values we represent, exhibiting characters due to various circumstances and people. The complexity of one is enormous. Always, I choose to see the good in people. I seek out the best in anyone because there is always something encouraging. Afterall no one perfect. No one is inherently bad I guess it is about compatibility and situations. Although neutrally disposed, I have learned to watch my back too and be aware that there is always a thin line between good and evil. Previously, I mentioned that trust is earned. It is the goodness we find in another that platforms the ability to trust. Giving each other a chance by helping another see the better side of their characters makes living with each other easier. Judging less and loving more is the popular talk out there. Approaching from the perspective that even when we fall short we can improve encourages the notions of equality and opportunity.

Who is good? Which good anyway? Good according to who and what? If so, why? There are many questions because everyday provides another yardstick for measuring morals, virtues, and social concern. What one find likeable, what another find praiseworthy, might be a turnoff for someone else. That’s okay. Deep down every one wants others to dance to their tunes or at least accept their views as best. Every one possess a tiny dose of selfishness per say. After all said and done, our own understandings, conditions, and outlooks usually are ways we judge what’s good. If an average human does equally what is good and bad, we tend to diminish if not forget the former. The principle of redemption is something that comes in well here because yesterday might be what it is but there is no saying that one is doomed and incapable of turning a new leaf or making better choices.

The question of what is good will always come back to what is important. There are also interpretations of greater goods and higher roads. Pretense for starters is so repulsive. A humble sinner who acknowledges their ways still makes more sense than a hypocrite. Of course, this is my view. What I see as good is allowed not to portend the same just as I also reserve the right not to care, vice versa. If from the onset my writing for instance displease someone, the general operating system of whoever with regards would be countering or finger poking, spining stuff arround, negative criticism or cajoling. Believe me, that’s cool because there is something more to it. Chuck, immediately I realized us humans are always burdened by different challenges, I stopped taking everything serious. I gave myself a break. In determining what is good, the conscience becomes a pretty nice indicator but what of those who don’t care about terms like that? The heart is special anyway because it provides that feeling when we do good and acknowledge others for doing good. Bad news spread faster because subjects that diminishes others make for juicy gossips — we all should be ashame of this. There are those we use the adjective good when we describe them. Would you have same opinion when you really get to know them and all their abouts? If not, what happened? Basically striving to have one’s personality defined with good is noble. Besides, there are inspirational people out there. It mustn’t be big. Act of kindness exist still in the world amidst all the gloom. There are those who still make us believe that the good in people is way bigger than the negative aspects we easily spot. We should also give ourselves a chance by striving bit by bit you know. Be good because it’s the right thing to do not only because you want people to see you in a certain light. It always comes back to you is true.

It’s been a good year. Human beings showed resilience in the face of global difficulties. This year I encountered different layers of humanity at some points. First of all I met with myself. I re-met or at least got the view I had of others adjusted. I feel good. For me, I no longer concern myself with what the general opinion is about every issue. In dealing with others, I tend to serve back the hand the person deals. I have learned to judge less knowing it is what it is for everyone. Luckily, I dug deeper into harnessing the good I find about my purpose. I understand there will always be divergences. I sieved out what I cannot handle while pedaling stronger on the things I must. There are so many good to be done in the world. Always. I guess it’s a case of picking the ones we can and want to. Is everything we don’t term good necessarily bad? There are also instances of what comes out of what intentions and all, whichever way, good always prevails. There is no giving up on humanity or living in fear. All I have done is shore up on caution and self awareness. I wish you good if that’s what you wish me. And honestly, I don’t find such strength anywhere in me to think bad of anyone. There are better things to do with my energy.

