Happiness Is A Choice

Vincent Apunike
2 min readNov 24, 2023


The wellness of the mind and the body cannot be overemphasized. Recently, I totally cut off the most toxic and diabolic people I have ever experienced in my life. To do that, I had to give them a bit closure, nothing more than that of course you can decide yo assume but I am done with you forever. To be happy is a choice and this one I do not take likely. I refuse to allow you hurt me or anyother person in this manner anymore. Indeed, you are powerless just stupid, greedy, and suprisingly obsessed.

Allowing people to walk all over you because they think they have any status or influence is against God's gift of freewill to all his creature. Gone are the days I was trying to impress those who deploy all the wicked and devilish means they could muster to oppress while still smiling at the camera and preaching virtues. How I wish those youth they claim to guide know the truth of how they actually live their lives and hurt people.

Good bye and good riddance. Good luck too, you will need that. I choose my happiness and I will never appologize for that. I don't care who you think you are or were.

