Journey Is Mine

Vincent Apunike
4 min readMar 11, 2022


This is exactly how I feel. This statement, a positive affirmation should be a reminder to all of us that our lives are ours to lead how we deem fit. As usual, people always try to tell us what they think is best for us even when that will never work out for us. Some do that with good intentions so don’t think everyone out there wants to derail you. But then again most, plenty, much, almost heading towards all if care is not taken, don’t really have your best interests in mind. Maybe you get lucky and gain something, but usually it’s after their own interests are met. They give advice that they know is going to hold you down just because they have peeped into what your potentials hold. They probably have tried in something and failed or are already stuck in their ways. If there is one human trait I wish I can wipe out, it will be this negative energy that doesn’t allow some to see others succeed. People mistake their hate as being competitive, but they don’t really understand that competition can be healthy. You watch professional athletes and you see how they behave even when they lose because they are trained to understand that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Please stop masking your frustrations in the name of giving advice or being a mentor. Don’t be the reason someone stops aspiring towards greatness. While the huge portion of blame is on the person, remember what the holy book says about scandal. Put a big stone around your neck…down you go.

There is a confidence when we truly attain personal freedom. When we take charge of our lives. Everyone can do this and it sounds easy, but the hard part is usually when we have to deal with failures. Brian Tracy says in one of his books - “you gotta be willing to fail.” It takes a mind shift to not allow failure of any kind deter you. If what you are aspiring for was easy then everyone will just do it. Imagine if the person who invented electricity stopped after the first trial. You think landing man on the, took rumpling up a paper plane and darting it at the sky? Nope. I always say this, the more we recognize that the things we enjoy every day are people’s innovations then we get inspired to try. And the first way is to assume control of our lives before it falls into the hands of an evil manipulator. The rewards that come from success truly outweigh the shame that come with a little failure.

So in the journey you have chosen, you gotta be brave about it. They say the difference between success and failure is in perception. When we learn to tack fun into what we do, it gets better. When we learn to laugh and not take ourselves that serious, we get the liberation that lightens the process for us. Apart from criticism from others, comparison to others affects us too. There is no way we can be blind to what others do. It comes down to how we internalize things. People easily tell you don’t compare yourself with others, but when you attend their business classes they start talking about competitor research where you get to monitor and swipe business practices of others. You gotta stay woke and see what others are doing. Learn from them. Be inspired. Other people’s success are meant to be a healthy kick in the ass for you. The takeaway is not to let whatever that’s going on in someone else’s life steal your own joy. Never forget where you started and why. Understand that you and the other person. have different journeys. Why not embrace yours?

We only get to live once at least in this form. Maybe there is reincarnation, but even if there is, you definitely won’t have this type of hair you have right now, or be this kind of beautiful you will probably be more beautiful I am sure. You probably will not like the same things or meet same people. Heck, you will definitely pop out in a different locale and face a different challenge. So this reality as it is I am sure is comes once. Why the hell won’t I go all in? Because of what you will say? You that’s who? Because you will laugh at me when I fail? Damn, I will be laughing at myself too while brushing myself up. The lessons I learn will make the next step better. Look at how wide the horizon is, how blue the sky is, how infinite the ocean is, how free the birds are, how successful others are, just look around. Are you are supposed to exist just to eat all the plants and animals you can lay your hands on, piss off as much people off as you can, polute the air, and hurt the climate? Humans have we considered how miserable we make other lives in the universe due to our selfish ingenuity? Anyways, when we don’t try we annoy our creator. In essence that’s what starts giving the greedy ones wack ideas. They start thinking, well, if he or she doesn’t know what they are doing, let’s steal their gifts. They fail woefully most times. Never allow that to happen to you. Get up and go live. If they don’t like it, they ain’t supposed to be in your life in the first place. Forget about trying to impress everyone it’s impossible. They will still talk anyway.

