Love Conquers Hate

Vincent Apunike
4 min readAug 7, 2021


Can I handle a topic about hate? It is a very strong word. I doubt if I can dully deal with this strong emotion the way I want it eradicated. Maybe dislike sounds better. Rancor. Scorn. Malice. All those synonyms. The alternative title is why is there so much hate in the world? It’s not something new. Before I go further let me state love conquers. Most times, we don’t even know we hating. So this is not the type of post that tries to explain. I am out here writing and thinking about it. Asking questions without a discernable answer. When someone offends you, anger can lead to hate is it justifiable? Maybe. There were probably reasons and not everyone has the strength and resilience to forgive. But that’s not the feeling am trying to dissect. What am thinking about is that feeling of animosity that comes from recognizing differences and instead of embracing the common grounds and appreciating we go out of our way to cause hurt. It’s a free world. People are different and that’s for good reasons. That’s basic. Acceptance and accommodation make sense. Would it be better if we all had the same faces and same body builds, same beliefs, same outlooks, same level of intelligence and talents? It would be monotonous, boring, and it is not possible. Hate crops from different other vices accumulating to be the worst. Usually, it is the person who has it in their minds, plotting, manipulating against their fellow human beings who get consumed. No one is perfect and liking everybody doesn’t exist. But there is something I believe in—neutrality. It stems from keeping an open mind. It manifests in such a way that not attributing any feelings to some situations is better. Allowing things be is better, especially, when it is not within your circle of concern. Neutral is a beautiful platform from which better provisions going forward could germinate from. We all deal with things individually. There are no two persons that are alike but remember the energy in the universe doesn’t lie. Adding that opinion to that situation that doesn’t concern you, suggesting that little untruth about someone to that other person, throwing a little cog in someone else’s wheel of progress always come back around. I am not immune to that. Nobody is. I look at some of my own life challenges and sometimes I wished I kept an open mind and did better. So am saying. Love. And there is always redemption and opportunities to right wrongs and still progress. Love.

Hate as I said is a very strong emotion. One of the most powerful. The most dangerous feature is that it is contagious. The vibe spreads easily and the more that buy into it the more powerful it steams. There is a film called a thin line between love and hate right? Love also is a powerful emotion. The strongest. I guess the opposite which is hate is not soft but Love is stronger. But truly there is a thin line. I wouldn’t start pointing out dark aspects of history where hate has wrecked damages and usually seeding from a very tiny notion. Usually enlarging on a basis not clear to people involved except the fact many people are on it and the individual doesn’t want to be the odd one out. That intensity was dealt with on Fight Club although using another structure. Usually, when it simmers down that humanity in all of us yearns for love which is the most natural.

Love. This encompasses lots of virtues. We all know what it means. How can I even start writing about it? The most precious one is that know lol. Cheeky. Anyway, I want to hint more on understanding. Actively finding reasons to step out a bit and acknowledge the next person. For a long time, I always believe everyone is inately good. As a writer, until you approach the villain as a human being with goals also it wouldn’t be well rounded. The villain is a hero in their own story too. And then they say it’s a free world. It makes things harder doesn’t it? Yet, our hearts know when we try our best. When we are more generous and less selfish. Love is also an internal feeling although best expressed but unlike hate it nourishes instead of consuming.

Love is much more natural. Life is hard so that emeshes it sometimes. Experiences and concepts cross out conscience for some. So while showing love can be hard, every one deep down wants to be loved. To be understood. To be accepted. It’s alright. We all deserve that. It’s natural you see. With a bit of effort then the other way round could be a possibility. I want love and am not ashamed to say that. All kinds of it. I am not preaching as if perfect, I am also exhorting myself to do better each time I write. Erotic. Oooh. For those acting too strong, pretending outwardly, give yourself a chance.

