Paleo And Keto Diet

Vincent Apunike
4 min readDec 10, 2022


Many people do not care about this. They don’t know what it is about because they could barely afford enough food, time, or options. Maintaining a diet is expensive and takes commitment. This post is about those who want to learn about new eating lifestyles and may consider Paleo or Keto diet.

Paleolithic hunter-gatherers ate lean meat and raw vegetables. It is easy to imagine that, after all, magnitudinous processing industries didn’t exist in those thick forests then. However, mind you, it didn’t mean that these ancient ancestors did not have a solid way of life and social culture. This may be why years later, modern folks like you and I eat Paleo. For practitioners of this diet, you may find yourself saying that you have to reduce intake of processed foods.

Another popular option people consider is Keto diet. It has been around for a while because it helped with some medicinal healings. Ketosis occurs when the body converts body fat as energy source instead of carbohydrates. It helps people with some health conditions. Savvy as humans are, dietitians figured out a way for people to seek out this process, and live on it.

You may ask which is the best?It depends on what you want to achieve. Earlier this month, I mentioned that good food can medicate. If you combine that post with this one about exercising frequently you will see improvement health-wise, including mentally. I focus on spreading the good news about the beauty of mankind and what we can achieve when we do away with what doesn’t help the society progress.

One thing about motivation and inspiration is that they never go alone without discipline. You may introduce a nice diet plan for someone that should help them lose weight and live more healthily — they may accept and also incorporate healthy exercise routines. And this is just an example, there may be other factors that may pose a challenge for them and while they are improving physically, may also even if at a minimal level be struggling with mental fitness.

A proof of this is how you may have to give up foods you like in order to maintain a strict Paleo or Keto diet. Yes, food have biological values but we cannot negate the fact it is also delicious. I know that I like ice cream sometimes maybe on a sunny summer day. When you need a soft drink, you may not be worried about calculating calories. However, some have to count their calories, especially, those on Keto and just having that in your mind is not easy.

Some days I talk about the need to understand that good food, a healthy lifestyle, mediation, and prayers are necessary to achieve your goals which ordinarily should make you hyped up. I have written about these diets on another platform but I didn’t know if I could introduce such here. In the post about Good Food Can Medicate, I said Christmas and the New Year could be opportunity to change to a healthier lifestyle. I understand that healthy and happy people will do more to support important institutions like Democracy which wasn’t as vibrant when the earlier people sprinted after their breakfasts.

Always consult with your health provider before you start any of these diets or even make drastic changes that may affect your health. There may not be anything wrong with these diets but you have a different body composition with someone else. Your awesome friends who look more healthier and fresh because they live on a particular diet may be hounding you. Alright, try new things but consult with your physician.

Another reason why this is important is because along the line, you may decide to experiment with another diet. It may just be that you met someone and like their recipes. If you are not aware of how you fed before the Keto or Paleo diet, how your body attuned during the diet, and effects of trying something new, you may get it all mixed up. Paying close attention to what you take can have long-term benefits. A health practitioner can help you navigate well.

Since Paleo diet shuns processed food, you would be at an advantage if you like lean meat and raw vegetables. You don’t have to strictly count your carbs. However, you should understand that daily you would have to burn more calories than you consume. Sugar from natural foods are allowed and the meat you prefer come mostly from animals that grazed grass naturally. Slight difference with Keto is the avoidance of carbs. Moderate protein is allowed which also generates energy. Yes to fish and meat but no milk although some products made from it like cheese can be indulged in. You can also read good books about healthy diets, weight loss, and general wellness.

