Sourcing Of Content

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJan 4, 2022


Hey, why am I thinking about that all time classic Citizen Kane? All that newspaper business in the film. When you see a title like this, it is easy for journalism to come to mind. And while we are it I should say a few things about the profession. I had mentioned somewhere here that I was considering that art. I don’t know with the way my favorite team performing I even gave sports writing a thought because it was something I nearly did as a younger person. The institution of journalism remains important in the architect of our society especially now anybody can disseminate whatever information without breaking a sweat. Sometimes I wonder if people are aware of the amount of bogus getting pumped out there on the daily. I remember turning down a journalist sort of job two years ago. I cannot really say exactly why because the cubicle looked nice but suddenly I wanted to think more about it. True journalists remain the gatekeepers of truth. Some risk their lives everyday just to make sure some atrocities don’t get buried. Some have lost their lives. Some are struggling for their freedom. My heart goes out to them. It takes a special kind of courage to venture with a camera into a zone people with guns sweat. I remember someone saying in filtering information, he concentrates on professionals who could tell and also manipulate a truth. What is the truth? Still, I just want to shout out to them. What is history without all those records? There is HARO, Help A Reporter Out platform that helps these professionals access verifiable truths so check it out, who knows what might make a difference?

But sourcing of content is not just about journalism. Matter of fact, it wasn’t even why I noted down this topic to discuss it today. Remember I always mention nodes that inspire some things I write here when am not pondering on deeper questions about life. For me, I believe creativity is in the air. It never dies. Life is a story that offers a lot to discuss one way or the other. To keep the juice flowing, sourcing of content is also part of my efforts here. I don’t sign up to the school of pulling up a chair and staring at an empty screen. When I write creatively, something I am happy to do, I like to draft and research. Sometimes I legitly wonder where the contents I have put out, not just here, but totally, comes from. Also others who have been prolific over the years. Maybe it has something to do with recognition, accumulation to the subconscious, and sifting of information when needed. I guess information should be a topic in itself. The direct process is not what I know all about but my consolation is that knowledge is infinite and I regard myself as blessed however it comes about.

Again, content is not just for some people like writers, reporters, or any other profession that has to output or stockpile. Content is what our everyday communications are made of. When we talk, what we say is a composite of content. It might be gossips. It might be a prepared proposal we hope that convinces. There are pick up lines that have worked out and led to meaningful relationships. Our brains are always preparing content. Our minds are always processing large amount of information. So we really have to think about the things we communicate whether verbally or through other forms because they store somehow. Noticed how what we have said somehow lodges in someone else's mind and there is nothing anybody telling them about us ever again. Remember those notable intersections we come across something that totally changes our lives and we didn't even prepare for that.

The aim of writing this article is because I noticed all of a sudden people are looking for something to say. Whether it’s a content to write about, sing about, or chat about. Those who arrange the news are looking for something to put out. Every other person is looking for what to say about it. Of course, one is bound to learn something regardless of all the noise. But for a long time, I had taken in what others have said and tried to lived it. At a point even waiting for someone to kind of direct my basic decisions. With time I noticed, well, I got a voice of my own. Not just to add to the dump but own my story and also make the trade because breaking down molecularly that’s what it’s about—Inspiration and influence. Before I end this, I gotta talk about the library. Books hold lots of contents one way or the other I mean that’s why they are books. There are innumerable loads of information out there. The act of research is remarkable because building on what is out there helps to check facts and refer. It satisfies curiosity too.

