Streamlining my Influences

Vincent Apunike
4 min readAug 3, 2021


First of all, I admit that I am heavily influenced. I had to in order to transcend my environment. I had to in order to deal with the cards life dealt me. Influences exist in different forms and categories. It operates at different levels consciously and subconsciously. I am starting to realize how things we take for granted matter. I wouldn't focus on the things I had or have little control over. So when I talk about influences I mean the active opening up of my mind, learning, observing and aligning my goals to certain precedents, people, and success. Of course, I have written about choosing your success and how important that is. Oh, I am the stubborn type. Fixed they say, aye, flexible too so personally I critically consider options before I make my decisions. Why? It's easier to navigate knowing I made my choices. I am not scared to live. Only cowards hide behind and not manifest their purposes. Life is filled with obstacles no matter how you spin the will. Choosing your own challenges make the difference.

I started exploring at a young age by reading, playing video games, watching films. Everyone does that. But then I went deeper. I took it to another level mostly because I discovered that the creative industry as a foundation to other platforms is the most natural calling to the answers I have. I might not have remembered all the contents I digested but I still remember how they made me feel. How they shaped my outlook. Of course, it made me a bit of an outlier something I have grown to embrace because the pareto principle works in these phases too. You don't need everybody and situation to succeed. Just few intersections that must occur as such is how the universe works only made better by preparation and dedication. Also, influences abound but we all react to different stimuli because we are all different people on different journies for different purposes. My own intentions are good that's all I can say and I will keep working towards my dreams. What else to do though? If you ain't living up to you then you living up to somebody else's shadow. I choose my influences knowing it's inline with what I want for my life. I don't know about the next guy. I am not writing to impress I am constantly keeping myself sharp and letting off steam.

I explored though and you would think I have had enough. Hell nah. But now I can say I am getting it together. I understand myself better. I understand the world a little more than I did yesterday and nobody knows it all. We are meant to live to the fullest of our capabilities. My horizon got widened so much as a kid that forward and more is all that makes sense. At the end of the day what we cultivated for ourselves definitely serve as the most meaningful direction. I have dabbled in various endeavors and adventures. Experiences and fun. Obstacles and hardships. And yet, I am proud to say I came back to what matters and is steady firing on. The thing is when you tinker around the buffet life serves you get to encounter lot of things. There are traps also which can nab you in. There are external definitions people ascribe to your persons. There are ways people want to you to act either for their own gain or as a mirror that makes them feel good about their own selves. Me I don't know. I am live my life, proud and grateful to every influence out there without hesitatating to say at the end of the day this is who I am. What you think and your interpretation I can't really help. People think what they think and do what they do. I mean.

I am also my own influence. Professionally before I had at a point followed a part where I tried to tie it all together thinking that was the best way to go about. Thinking love as they say it is what it is. First hand experience, nah. Not always true. But when you find the real one hold on to it. I always thought people who I looked up to live it as they call it till I realized that adult life is hard so I just shake my head and pat my own shoulder and duff my collar. I am even lucky and blessed to have acquired enough to lace up my own shoes. Walk in the light of those I choose. The truth is at a point idols turn to rivals that’s why I gats to look up to myself sometimes because when I look down, the shoes are on my feet pinching me. I guess pinching the other person too. For instance some say "Stop writing to yourself or this is how to write what someone wants to read." Only thing I hear for real is writing. I am writing full stop. I love the topics I deal with and the challenge it provides, the intelligent stimulation. There are many forms of this creative endeavor. If nobody does it like this, then am a proud mentor to myself and when I get to writing in other ways like a manuscript for publishing. I do that. I don’t owe nothing to people’s want unless they are...Today is just one of those days I type up. Fill in the pages. Appreciate those who filled up my life when those who judge now didn’t know the boy existed. We influence people too. We are beautiful people in own unique ways so need to pretend or try to fit in. The way it works we match some people and situations. The knowledge alone is enough to keep interpreting and relaying. Actively working on ourselves and on our dreams. I don’t know. Have a good day. No fear.

