Strong People Excel

Vincent Apunike
4 min readJan 9, 2022


In our younger ages we always thought strength only connotes sheer physical power. Of course, lifting heavy objects and possessing a powerful KO are also part of the equation but with time I personally realized being strong is way much more than that. For instance, strength displayed by everyone in different attributable forms over time is why the human specie perserves as the most prominient piece of evolution. Well, that is if we pay attention to climate crises and contribute towards taking care of our planet starting from today not procrastinating tomorrow or thinking the problems are for a certain group of people who like to talk about it. Any way, defining strength across the spectrum like this shows that we all are strong. We all can excel and we should. There are many forms of strength which I might not know it all. Endurance is one of them, a proof determination is still cool.

Endurance is staying power. Fortitude, forbearance, persistence, withstanding, stamina, and tenacity — a certain level of grit and however we choose to define it. Endurance is longer and no short winded exhibition match where a quick display of strength is followed by quick exhaustion. Depending on the situation, endurance entails a day to day strive until a hurdle is overcome and a goal acheived. Across human history, endurance has played key roles in the proper advancement of human causes as can be seen in the civil rights movements, women suffrage, and a plethora of worthwhile achievements spurred by hope. Endurance is a belief that there are better days ahead so sliding back to inactivity or digressing isn’t the best answer. Endurance forbears the truth that we have all come a long way towards acceptance, inclusion, and a loving togetherness to look back. Endurance has broken down barriers in the past and such spirit of not giving up will do more in the future. However, endurance is not suffering in silence. Endurance is not keeping quiet while your rights are trampled upon and your privileges stripped away. Endurance is not dwindling and diminishing into the background with problems that could be shared. It is not believing that you are born to suffer while others are created to enjoy this world.

Whenever, I get an opportunity to commend women I try to do so with gusto. It is empowering to see women speak up and own their places these days. History has been unfair to them in large and in little ways so with every achievement they record, my heart gladdens. It doesn’t take anything away from me. It doesn’t make me less of a man. Those with toxic masculinity suffer from inferiority complex. There was a scenario that played out in a bus park that doesn’t work with a time schedule. The bus leaves for its destination only when it gets full. As it turned out, a lady came into the park and met a bus that was full and leaving, making her automatically the first person in the next bus and she was in a hurry. Having no other option, she waited as passengers arrived slowly myself included. She had chosen the front passenger seat. From my position farther in the bus I had seen how she rested her head on her hand as we waited for passengers we didn’t know exactly when they will arrive. It started to get late. Slowly, the bus filled up. A man came and wanted to join the lady in the front since it was meant for the driver and two passengers. The lady came down so the man could enter and we could begin the journey. This man who was a little older than the lady said it was not possible. The lady should return inside so he could sit on the outermost seat. He said it wasn’t proper for a man to sit inside and a woman to sit closer to the door. I thought it was a joke. This fracas continued, delaying us the more. To my utmost surprise some supported the man who didn’t pay or offer to pay for the lady’s fare as compensation or something. We are talking about the very first person to enter the bus and had waited hours only for a stranger to come along and command her around. The lady stood her ground. The man walked away saying a woman cannot treat him like that, how he was the man and all. Luckily, somebody, a guy with somewhere important to go took his spot, the journey conmenced with everyone saying their minds on the matter. I didn’t know which was more shocking what the man did or what those who supported him said.

Strong people excel simply because they don’t quit and work extra harder. Hard work always pays. There is a story I read which stays with me. It was about someone who didn’t miss a day of work despite his health issues so he could provide for his family. These stories are conversant and abound in the intricacies of our society. Nothing good comes easy and we have what it takes to be successful. Sometimes we have to go that extra mile.

